Ambassador to the US Said Tayeb Jawad of Afghanistan

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Said Tayeb Jawad was born in Kandahar, Afghanistan.
Ambassador Jawad was instrumental in drafting Afghanistan’s foreign investment laws; he served as President Karzai’s principal liaison with the constitutional commission throughout the drafting of the Constitution of Afghanistan.
BioSaid Tayeb Jawad is Afghanistan's Ambassador to the United States.
Said Tayeb Jawad Said Tayeb Jawad is Afghanistan's Ambassador to the United States.
Jawad was born in Kandahar, Afghanistan.
A man with great pride for his country, Ambassador Jawad is very frank about not only the delicate situation in Afghanistan and the progress Afghanistan seeks, but the abounding culture and history of this unsung gem of a nation.
United States, Europe and Afghanistan.
In spite of the financial and staffing difficulties, Jawad says the sparsely furnished Afghan Embassy is now fully functional.
Jawad says his goal now is to "prevent Afghanistan from becoming a failed state, where narcotics and terrorism" will again flourish.
His Excellency Jawad was appointed as Afghanistan's ambassador to the United States by President Hamid Karzai.
Ambassador Jawad has been widely published and broadcast.
Said Tayeb Jawad was appointed as Afghanistan’s ambassador to the United States in December 2003.
Biography Said Tayeb Jawad was born in KandaharKandahar OverviewKandahar is a city in southern Afghanistan, the capital of Kandahar Province on the Helmund River.
Ambassador Jawad was instrumental in drafting Afghanistan’s foreign investment laws; he served as President Karzai’s principal liaison with the constitutional commission throughout the drafting of the Constitution of AfghanistanConstitution of Afghanistan The Constitution of Afghanistan became the official law of Afghanistan when the 2003 Loya jirga approved it by the consensus.
Ambassador Jawad has published hundreds of articles and commentaries in the United States, EuropeEurope Europe is one of the seven traditional continents of the Earth.
Ambassador Jawad is a policy maker and a diplomat experienced in managing reforms in post conflict fragile environment.
Jawad received a law degree from the Kabul University, School of Law and Political Science.
Afghan Ambassador to the United States Said Tayeb Jawad said Afghans will not be intimidated from exercising their newfound freedom, despite threats of disruption by resurgent Taleban.
Ambassador Jawad says the gun has to be taken out of Afghan politics.
Ambassador Jawad says the promises of additional international peacekeeping help, especially from NATO, have been slow in their fulfillment.
Ambassador Jawad was impressed with the Centre and encouraged by its projects.
Ambassador Jawad was appointed as Afghanistans Ambassador to the United States by President Hamid Karzai on December 4, 2003.
Ambassador Jawad said Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari seems much more committed to battling terrorism than his predecessor, General Pervez Musharraf.
Ambassador Jawad said more troops, from the United States or its NATO allies, would be welcome.
Jawad is Interviewed by ABC 7s Cheryl Jennings is obct.
Jawad is Interviewed by ABC 7s Cheryl Jennings is obctober 2008.
efforts to arrange what he called a "separate peace" with militants in volatile tribal regions bordering Afghanistan.
Speaking to VOA, Afghan ambassador to the United States Said Tayeb Jawad says Afghans remain nervous that the United States and other nations will turn their attention away from Afghanistan with disastrous results, just as happened in 1992.
Ambassador Jawad says Afghans failed to fight back against the internal power squabbles.
Jawad was appointed ambassador to the US.
Fluent in English, German, French, Farsi, and Pashto, Jawad was educated at the Afghan French Lyce Istiglal in Kabul and studied law and political science at Kabul University.
Incoming Afghan Ambassador Said Tayeb Jawad says Afghanistan welcomes the prospect of new aid.
Jawad says the amount of new assistance is small, especially when compared to what is being spent in Iraq.
Jawad says the armed groups can either disarm and enter the political process, or keep their arms and stay out of politics.
Jawad says there is no widespread support to enshrine Sharia in the new constitution as the country's sole legal code.
Jawad says there may be some delay in that target because many measures, such as institution of a new national identity card, are not yet in place.
Said Tayeb Jawad is the current Ambassador of Afghanistan to the United States.
Ambassador Jawad was educated at the Afghan French Lyce Istiklal and School of Law and Political Sciences at Kabul University.
Ambassador Jawad is also a writer and commentator.
Said Tayeb Jawad said the lawlessness that plagued his country after the Soviet occupation, and the emergence of the Taliban there, is a reminder of why the US.
Ambassador Jawad was educated at the Afghan French Lycée Istiglal in Kabul and studied law and political science at Kabul University.
During his tenure as chief of staff to President Karzai, Ambassador Jawad was responsible for formulating policies, building national institutions, prioritizing reforms and implementing the presidents directives.
Jawad said that international aid has fallen short of Afghanistan’s needs, as the Afghan government has received only $3.
Said Tayeb Jawad was appointed as Afghanistan's ambassador to the US.
Jawad was equally moved a few months ago during a visit to New Mexico, when a group of schoolchildren presented him with desperately needed school supplies for poor kids in Afghanistan.
Jawad said he's fortunate to have traveled to all 50 states, but added that "unless you get out of Washington, you really don't see this diversity or beauty.
Ambassador Jawad has worked closely with President Karzai in formulating strategies, implementing policies, building national institutions and prioritizing reforms in Afghanistan.
Ambassador Jawad was instrumental in drafting Afghanistans foreign investment laws; he served as President Karzais principal liaison with the constitutional commission throughout the drafting Afghanistans Constitution.
Ambassador Jawad was educated at the Afghan French Lycée Istiklal and School of Law and Political Sciences at Kabul University and Westfaelische Wilhelms University in Muenster, Germany.
Ambassador Jawad has published hundreds of articles and commentaries in the United States, Europe and Afghanistan.