Minister for Climate Change and Water Penny Wong of Australia

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Original source: Transferred from en.wikipedia
Author: penrithsustainabilit yunit; uploaded to
Penny Wong accepts a "Sustainable Penrith" bucket hat at her UNFCCC address in Bali 2007.
Wong is the first openly gay member, and the first Asian-born federal minister, or member of an Australian Commonwealth cabinet.
Wong was born in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia to a Malaysian Chinese Hakka father and an Australian mother.
Wong is a committed Christian, attending Pilgrim Uniting Church in Adelaide.
In 1988, Wong joined the Australian Labor Party, winning a position as a delegate to the party's state convention the following year.
Wong is a member of EMILY's List Australia, the support network for Labor women, and, until appointment as a minister following the 2007 election, sat on a number of Senate committees, primarily those related to economics.
In June 2005 Wong was appointed Shadow Minister for Employment and Workforce Participation and Shadow Minister for Corporate Governance and Responsibility.
In November 2007, in the wake of the Labor Party victory in the 2007 election, Wong was appointed Minister for Climate Change and Water.
Senator the Hon Penny Wong was appointed Australian Government Minister for Climate Change and Water on December 3, 2007.
PENNY Wong has raised the stakes in the Rudd Government's dispute with the Coalition over climate change reforms by promising at a global climate conference in Poland yesterday that the Government would stick to its 2010 start-up date for a carbon trading scheme.
Climate change minister Penny Wong discusses the Governments upcoming reply to the Garnaut report and possible start dates for an emissions trading scheme.
Climate Change Minister Penny Wong said in a statement late Wednesday her government recognizes the need to assess the impact of climate change on indigenous communities.
in 10 Australians believe urgent action is needed to save the planet, according to polls, and Climate Change Minister Penny Wong says Australians have "had enough of the denial and scepticism of the past.
CLIMATE Change Minister Penny Wong says the release of the Government's green paper on emissions trading was not deliberately timed to coincide with the historic visit by Pope Benedict XVI.
to the degree that many of her colleagues are.
Technically, Wong was never really "in.
FEDERAL Climate Change Minister Penny Wong has backed desalination as a vital part of Australian cities' plans to tackle climate change.
Penny Wong has been compared to Saddam Hussein.
Wong is in China as part of Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's four-day visit, which ends tomorrow.
China became Australia's biggest trading partner last year and Wong says she believes the country is central to Australia's future.
At a time when farmers are getting little or no water allocations, at a time when Adelaide residents are being told to ration water, Penny Wong is happy to see more water sucked from the Murray.
Penny Wong is hanging Yatco Lagoon farmers out to dry.
Penny Wong is within the scope of WikiProject Australia, which aims to improve Wikipedia's coverage of Australia and Australia-related topics.
Even though Penny Wong is Australian, Chinese news agency around the world would cover her news more than any other Australians just because of her Chinese ethnicity.
That is not relevant here because Wong was born in Malaysia and has lived in Australia since she was eight.
Because Penny Wong is of Chinese heritage, her parents gave her a Chinese name.
The lead section says Penny Wong is gay.
I changed it to lesbian because gay is for males, while lesbian is for females (and the fact that Wong is female is not a disputed fact.
Edited it to make it clear that Wong is the first openly gay member of cabinet at a federal level.
I changed the following: Wong is the first openly gay member, and the first Asian-born member, of an Australian Commonwealth cabinet or ministry to Wong is the first openly gay member, and the first Asian-born federal minister, or member of an Australian Commonwealth cabinet.
Nominated for the second time as one of the Same Same 25, Wong was a voice of opposition to the Liberal party’s homophobic policies during the Howard era, and continues to campaign for same-sex rights within her own party.
Wong has been open about her sexuality since August 2002, and sees it as a positive step that it’s not much of an issue in her home town of Adelaide.
Before entering parliament, Wong was a barrister and lawyer in Adelaide and worked as an adviser to the Bob Carr in Sydney.
Asked about her sexuality, ethnicity and political career, Wong says that “if it shows that we are a nation where people can achieve things just on their abilities, then it is a good thing.
world-news, australia, oz, saddam-hussein, baghdad, baathist, hussein, wetland, environment, iraq51 Murray lakes may be lost due to droughtJun 18 - Seeded by DevolvedSource: The AgeAs a leaked report warns that prolonged drought has left the fresh water lakes at the Murray River mouth on the brink of ecological collapse, Australian Water Minister Penny Wong has left open the possibility of allowing them to be inundated by sea water.
greenhouse gas emissions trading scheme.
Wong was born in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, and moved to Australia at the age of eight.
WikipediaBorn:November 5, 1968Related Searches:University of Adelaide alumniMember of the Australian SenatePenelope Ying-yen "Penny" WongConstruction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Unionpolitical factionLiquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous UnionEMILY's List AustraliaAustralian SenateNational Union of StudentNational Union of Students of AustraliaKota KinabaluAustralian Labor Partypoliticianaffirmative actionlesbianuniversity of adelaideSee moreNews About Penny WongPenny Wong had 2 news items on Live Search NewsLakes rescue funds sit idledocument.
write(humane_date("2009-01-11 13:46:27"))Penny Wong had a news item on Live Search NewsRudd needs to get dinkum on the environmentdocument.
write(humane_date("2009-01-09 12:51:33"))Penny Wong had a news item on Live Search NewsExport sector 'faces $5bn burden in first five years': Miners step up.
Senator Wong has told small groups of chief executives from major power and other energy-intensive companies that the Rudd Governments election promise of a renewable energy target was not negotiable.
Senator Wong is also understood to have signalled the Governments reluctance to compensate owners of coal-fired power stations for the multi-billion-dollar losses in asset values they face with the introduction of an emissions trading scheme in 2010.
Lik-Sang Wong is a man who is currently owned by Johnathan Gabriel.
Climate Minister Penny Wong said that the Climate Change Action Fund would be established to fund businesses to make the transition to a cleaner greener future and develop low emissions technology.
But Senator Wong said the funding was transitional assistance until a constraint on global carbon occurred.
Senator Penny Wong has been appointed Australia's first climate change and water minister - making her both the countrys first openly gay and Asian-born cabinet minister.
Wong was appointed Shadow Minister for Employment and Workforce Participation, and Shadow Minister for Corporate Governance and Responsibility in October 2004.
the very reason that Penny Wong has been elected to government, and is now a minister indicates that many 'aussies' are NOT racists and bigots.
Senator Penny Wong has never hidden it.
The more we "play it up " and the more Penny Wong is in the forefront in the cabinet as an openly ( which she is) gay person, the more it brings to the forefront the issue of gay rights.
Post #1jupiter101 says (Posted : 05 December 2007 20:16) : Senator Penny Wong is part of a new government just elected here in Australia after almost 12 years of a very tired regime.
Penny Wong is a vibrant, smart, and formidable politician, who will not only champion gay rights ( which she already has done ) but a voice for many minorities.
Penny Wong, Australias minister for climate change and water.
Senator Wong said a report from the CSIRO convened Future Fuels Forum, which included the worst-case scenario on petrol prices, made it clear that global oil prices would continue to rise.
I have been concerned that Kevin Rudd and Penny Wong had been swayed by the the deep-green lunies screaming for 25-40% cuts.
Ms Wong said the 5 per cent cut to pursue by 2020 remained a serious target.