Minister of Agriculture, Water, and Fisheries Laurent Sedogo of Burkina Faso

Minister Sedogo said land policy issues was one of the most difficult policy challenges that Africa faces, and impacts not only food production, but peace and security and overall economic development.
Minister Sedogo is adamant that lowering local rice prices will do just that protect indigenous farmers by creating a bigger internal market for their product.
But Agriculture Minister Sedogo is adamant that lowering local rice prices will do just that - protect indigenous farmers by creating a bigger internal market for their product.
group Monsanto to battle pests that blighted the cotton crop.
COTTON Burkina Faso Agriculture Minister Laurent Sedogo said the African country had worked with US.
Sedogo has seen a few false dawns.
Sedogo has been impressed by the microeconomic approach of non-governmental organizations such as the Bristol-based Tree Aid, which funds farming schools, agro-forestry and promotes sustainable local trade.