Minister of Finance Jim Flaherty of Canada

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Author: Joshua Sherurcij
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Author: Joshua Sherurcij
Im actually pleasantly surprised Flaherty is aware the facts dont agree with what hes said up to this point, and even more pleasantly surprised that he is, if not admitting he was wrong, at least changing his story to fit with the facts going forward.
Having eaten so many of his own words, I now see why Flaherty is a little puffy faced these days.
Finance Minister Jim Flaherty says the government is not looking to cut spending as it prepares to table its budget later this month, but notes that Canada is caught in a worldwide recession and drastic actions are required to help Canadians.
Flaherty said in Victoria on Monday.
Finance minister Jim Flaherty has delivered what sounds suspiciously like an ultimatum to Canadas banks, to lower lending rates and pump more consumer credit into the system.
The papers editorial this week—Flaherty has the title-give him the job—was altogether cruel in its sympathy for the man.
MONTREAL - The federal government and the country's banks have agreed to form a group to work on ensuring adequate availability of credit and financing in Canada, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said Tuesday.
Flaherty said the government is looking at resuscitating the commercial paper market, which has been cited as a way to boost lending to small-and medium-sized businesses.
Nancy Hughes Anthony, president of the Canadian Bankers Association, said Monday's meeting between the big banks and Flaherty was "productive" and the challenges facing Canada were discussed.
Flaherty was easily re-elected in the 1999 election in the redistributed riding of Whitby--Ajax, and was named Attorney General with responsibility for Native Affairs on June 17, 1999.
Flaherty has become a central figure in the debate surrounding the new proposed rules for taxation of Canadian income trusts.
Flaherty has turned down the request.
McCallion said “Flaherty has stated in the media that some of the municipalities have not kept up with infrastructure and did not establish adequate reserves.
Jim O'Flaherty was an Irish soccer player who played for Bohemians during the 1920s.
CP) - The debate between Ottawa and the provinces over the so-called fiscal imbalance is over despite the complaints of some premiers, Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said Tuesday.
The federal budget has now restored fiscal balance and the "discussion is over," Flaherty said during a breakfast speech in this city east of Toronto.
We have restored fiscal balance and it is on a principled base that we'll do this," Flaherty said Tuesday.
In my view, Jim Flaherty is possibly the most misguided Federal Finance Minister in Canadian history.
Flaherty is a lawyer, and neither an economist nor a businessman, and so he is susceptible to bad economic advice.
Flaherty has basically sold out Canadas 259 income trusts to much larger international investors whose snapping-up of these encumbered assets at fire-sale prices will again be tax exempt, but without the added benefit of promoting Canadian saving together with Canadian ownership of Canadian assets.
Flaherty has just closed off to small investors? By borrowing the funds to make their acquisitions.
Flaherty has literally defrauded and robbed.
Flaherty is just the worst of a bad lot, and firing him might send a message that it is time for a change at all levels.
Its pretty sleazy what Flaherty is doing by using the budget deficit that his clusterfuck policies (thats a highly technical economic term, kids) caused as a pretext to choke off funding to other parties.
Jim Flaherty has earmarked money in his federal budget for a rail link from Toronto to Peterborough.
Money doesn’t grow on trees, so why is Finance Minister Jim Flaherty running around shaking Canada’s financial forests to “loosen credit” as if it did? For a while over the last couple of weeks, it looked like Mr.
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ca - Jim Flaherty IS Richard Pryor Blog Source: blog.
Since almost no one was entirely happy with the program, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty has decided to let the program expire next year after the initial two-year run.
As a replacement, Flaherty has announced that the federal government will provide $250 million over the next five years to help the auto industry develop greener technologies.
dollar is primarily responsible for the Canadian dollar soaring to parity with the greenback for the first time in almost 31 years, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said Thursday.
Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said Friday that the federal government won't make changes to its economic update, even though opposition parties are threatening to vote against it.
James Flaherty is the Canadian Minister of Finance in the Conservative government of Stephen Harper.
never a shortage of ideas for spending taxpayer dollars and no doubt Finance Minister Jim Flaherty is learning that lesson in spades these days.
Minister Flaherty has reasonable criteria for stimulus to help weigh his options: timeliness, impact.
Flaherty is a second-term Member of Parliament for WhitbyOshawa (Ontario.
Irish players in the early 80s until his passing in July 2001.
But, in limiting the federal governments responsibilities, Flaherty has had to decide who will finance his partys electioneering.
Breaking in new shoes during his speech before the House of Commons, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said his inaugural budget offers twenty-nine tax cuts, including the long-promised 1 percent reduction in GST as well as several tax credits.
After all, if Flaherty has nothing invested in the bill, he might be just as happy killing it off rather than defending someone else's unpopular work.
Brent Fullard outlines the many ways that Jim Flaherty has benefited from the policies he has developed.
comCanadian Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty has a credibility problem as Chart 'A' Shows clearlypolitics, canada, jim-flaherty, income-trust, conservative-party00 Critics puzzled by Flaherty's 'net debt'Nov 24 - Seeded by K.
canada, politics, conservative-party, jim-flaherty10 Globe & Mail : Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty promises to honour Ontario accordMay 11 - Seeded by James CalderSource: The Globe and MailFederal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty says his budget includes funding for every penny of a $6.
com : MP calls equalization system a messMar 11 - Seeded by James CalderSource: The Globe and Mail Finance Minister Jim Flaherty says that side deals the previous Liberal government signed with some provinces have made a mess of Canada's equalization system.
Jim OFlaherty was a piper who influenced many of the local Irish players in the early 80s until his passing in July 2001.
James OFlaherty was born in Listowel, County Kerry, Ireland in 1942.
Flaherty took a beating after releasing his much-maligned economic update last month and needs to regain some lost credibility.
Flaherty is stealing one of its ideas.
Related Stories from Around the WebFlaherty not backing down on regulator plans Financial Post, Canada Wednesday, January 14, 2009B.
WikipediaBorn:December 30, 1949Related Searches:Canadian of Irish descentontario lawyerMember of the Queen's Privy Council for CanadaBachelor of Lawsmember of the Canadian House of CommonsProgressive Conservative PartyProgressive Conservative Party of Ontario MPPProgressive Conservative Party of Ontariocabinet ministerQueen's Privy Council for CanadaConservative Party of Canada MPfederal electionMember of the 28th Ministry in CanadaWhitby—AjaxJames Michael "Jim" FlahertyWhitby—OshawaSee moreRelated People to Jim FlahertyChristine ElliottwifeNews About Jim FlahertyJim Flaherty had 2 news items on Live Search NewsJim Flaherty dit que la récession mondiale nécessite des mesures.
write(humane_date("2009-01-12 09:20:24"))Jim Flaherty had 2 news items on Live Search NewsFlaherty sees "substantial" deficitdocument.
write(humane_date("2009-01-09 15:36:11"))Jim Flaherty had 4 news items on Live Search NewsUPDATE 2-Canada's Flaherty sees 'substantial' deficitdocument.
OTTAWA, Dec 22 (UPI) -- Canada's Conservative government is being criticized for selling a federal prison at nearly half the value of its tax assessment, Sun Media reported Monday.
Flaherty was going to chop down a whole bank to liberate loose cash for all the businesses and consumers that are supposedly starved for money.
Flaherty has since changed his tone a little in the wake of a Monday meeting with bank CEOs; the banks apparently have plenty of statistical evidence to prove that they are lending money as fast as they reasonably can under the circumstances.
Flaherty is now reportedly trying to work his magic on these other credit markets, including having the Bank of Canada play a role in backstopping commercial paper and securitization offerings.