Deputy Prime Minister Ilala Kassu of Ethiopia

are being carried out by the Chinese construction companies.
Kassu said Ethiopia has given infrastructure development a priority, where 70 percent of the infrastructure construction projects in Ethiopia are being carried out by the Chinese construction companies.
networks so as to create conducive environment for investment.
Kassu said the contract for the construction of the six-lane Express Way- the first of its kind, and the first toll road to be built- would automatically be granted to China with out having to compete in competitions.
agricultural production, little attention was given to the improvement of harvesting activities that have an impact on the agricultural productivity.
natural resources was instrumental in ensuring the food self-sufficiency and food security programmes.
development programme is agricultural-centered strategy.
Kassu said conducive investment climate is created in Ethiopia in order to attract foreign entrepreneurs launch investment projects in the country.
Kassu said Ethiopia is willing to share experiences particularly in road construction and housing development sectors with South Sudan.
contractors to participate in housing development.