Ambassador to the US Pekka Lintu of Finland

We don’t have enormously rich people, and we don’t have people living in abject poverty,” Lintu says of the “nordic Scandinavian welfare society” he represents.
Lintu is the latest in a long line of ambassadors dating from Armas Herman Saastamoinen, who served from 1919 to 1922 when Finland established its first embassy at an office building at 14th and E streets.
Lintu said Finland has been "quite fortunate" in escaping the kind of terrorism and anti-Semitic violence that has mushroomed in other European countries like Spain, Great Britain and even Norway — where a synagogue in Oslo was riddled by gunshots and a Jewish cemetery vandalized in mid-September.
Regarding an even more potentially explosive situation — Iran — Lintu said "the United States and the Europeans have been working quite well together.
Introducing Lintu, Finlandia President Philip Johnson said as ambassador, Lintu is committed to connecting with and working with Finnish American communities around the country.
Speaking of his accomplishments, Johnson said Lintu is a member of the Finlandia University’s President’s Council.
Lintu said it’s important that the graduates understand that earning a degree is just one step toward their futures.
Now, Lintu said Finland is a technologically modern country and a member of the European Union, and its success has three elements.
However, Lintu said Finns understand that life is about more than competing.
As a nation, Lintu said Finns understand the need to balance productivity with environmental sustainability.
Lintu said the positive features of Finnish culture require a very open government.
Lintu has been Finnish ambassador since 2006.
Lintu said it is pronounced "Sow-na," not the more popular English form "Sah-na.
Lintu was also scheduled to make stops in Concord and Manchester today.
Lintu is scheduled to describe international commerce opportunities between South Florida and Finland.
Finland was perhaps the most severely hit of all Scandinavian countries,' Lintu said of the area's 1990s economic crisis, 'and we came out of it.
Lintu is a striking presence – tall and debonair.
But while Sanders has a straightforward, fearless style that his constituents have grown accustomed to, Lintu has a dry sense of humor and is soft-spoken.
Lintu said that Finns by no means enjoy paying taxes – the total taxes per capita were 43.
Lintu described Finland as both a welfare society and a competitive country.
Lintu had spent the day meeting with college students and professors, business and community leaders, labor representatives and activists, and Sanders didn't want to wear out his guest.
Sanders asked Lintu why CEO's aren't asking for outsized US-style salaries? Lintu said that companies are free to pay what they want to but the CEO's are sometimes criticized for their salaries.
Lintu said it's true that the curriculum is more flexible than in the US, allowing teachers freedom to adapt to the needs of the class.
Lintu said of the healthcare system that waiting lists were indeed a problem for non-urgent operations a few years ago.
In a town proud of its Finnish heritage, a visit from Pekka Lintu is stirring some excitement.
Pekka Lintu was appointed ambassador of Finland to the United States on Jan 10, 2006.
Ambassador Lintu had never met either Hari or Richardson before the book discussion, which also marked the first reunion for Hari and the New Mexico governor since Haris release from prison.
Ambassador Lintu says that consultations with member states are on-going, “trying to see what possibilities exist to take matters forward.
Ambassador Lintu says that, “in many ways, relations with Russia are better than ever.
With Finland’s EU presidency over, Ambassador Lintu is turning his attention to other matters.