President Tarja Halonen of Finland

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Original source: Photograph copied from the website of Agência Brasil. This photo appeared as 10822.jpg on 2003-10-31
Author: Roosewelt Pinheiro/ABr
The photo was downloaded, cropped, and resized by Hajor at Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Brazil License
Original source: Photograph copied from the website of Agência Brasil. This photo appeared as 10822.jpg on 2003-10-31
Author: Roosewelt Pinheiro/ABr
The photo was downloaded, cropped, and resized by Hajor at Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Brazil License
Political LeftistHalonen was born to Vieno Olavi Halonen and Lyyli Elina Loimola on December 24, 1943, in Helsinki, Finland.
Such whimsies, however, could not have overridden the fact that Halonen was also born during World War II, in a city that was under attack by Russia's Red Army.
Still, by the January 16 election, Halonen had 39.
The Cincinnati Post quoted Finnish former Prime Minister Paavo Lipponen, head of the Social Democrats, as saying, "Halonen is a person who with her own individuality, her openness, and her genuine character appealed across party lines.
Unconventional and Wildly PopularShortly before Halonen took office, Finland adopted a new constitution that shifted more power to parliament, while limiting the president's authority as to domestic affairs.
In short, Halonen was one of the most popular presidents Finland has ever had.
Halonen was also sensitive to her presidency being an inspiration to Finnish women.
President Tarja Halonen is a member of the Council of Women World Leaders, an International network of current and former women presidents and prime ministers whose mission is to mobilize the highest-level women leaders globally for collective action on issues of critical importance to women and equitable development.
Tarja Halonen was born on 24 December 1943 in the district of Kallio, Helsinki, traditionally a working-class area, the daughter of Vieno Olavi Halonen and Lyyli Elina Loimola.
In 1987, Halonen was appointed Minister of Social Affairs and Health in the government of Prime Minister Harri Holkeri, a position she held until 1990.
Halonen has often been compared to "Moominmamma", a mother-figure from the comic strips and books created by Tove Jansson.
Halonen was nominated as one of the top ten members of the "Suuret Suomalaiset" (greatest Finns) TV special in 2004, the only living person to be included.
On August 26, 2000, President Halonen married her longtime partner, Dr Pentti Arajärvi, in a civil ceremony at her official residence, Mäntyniemi, after a relationship of more than fifteen years.
Anna Halonen is the daughter of President Halonen and her former partner, Kari Pekkonen.
Throughout her political career, Halonen has been a strong supporter of human rights and international solidarity.
According to her authorized biography published in 2005, Halonen is critical of some unnamed members of the Finnish civil service for being gay or lesbian and not coming out and campaigning for sexual equality.
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which has traditionally been a working-class quarter.
the same year that Halonen was also chosen as the chairman of the government of the international solidarity foundation.
Despite her narrow election victory, Halonen has become one of the most popular Presidents that Finland has ever had, with approval ratings between 94% and 97%, though the rating has come down a bit during the 2006 presidential campaign.
the only living person to be included.
celebration in Moscow, and her opposing the use of landmines on Finnish borders.
after a relationship of more than fifteen years.
and campaigning for sexual equality.
contributed to the formation of the United States.
The first woman to hold her country's top position, Halonen was re-elected for a second six-year term in January and now leads Finland as it takes over the rotating presidency of the European Union July 1.
To that end, Halonen has strategically invited Russia's President Vladimir Putin to an October summit.
A member of parliament since 1979, Halonen was also the first woman to become foreign minister.
a leftist politician with a strong ideological bent.
a wonderful job as the host country for the EU.
country's first female head of state in 2000.
secretary to the prime minister three years later.
We all know the situation (in Georgia) is still fragile and all sides must strictly adhere to the cease-fire agreement,' President Tarja Halonen said in her opening remarks at the meeting of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.
As we head towards Independence Day on Saturday, a new poll indicates that the popularity of President Tarja Halonen has remained high in the public approval ratings since the last time that it was measured in.
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Vladimir Titov says that President Tarja Halonen had a major influence on the decision by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to postpone the decision to raise export duties on wood.
Halonen is a strong European Union promoter despite the recent setbacks to adopting a constitution after no votes by France and the Netherlands.
Finnish National organization for Sexual Equality.
1980s, Tarja Halonen was not the only one.
her valuable work in promoting human rights.
presidency of the Council of Europe Ministerial Committee in 1997.
close attention to human rights, democracy and civil society issues.
WARSAW, Poland, Aug 29 (UPI) -- Leaders in Poland and Finland are wrangling over which officials are sent to attend the European Union meeting Monday on the Georgian crisis.
Tarja Halonen is the 11th President of the Republic of Finland and Finland's first female head of state.
Tarja Halonen was born in Helsinki at the Christmas Eve in 1943.
Tarja Halonen joined the Social Democratic party in 1971.
Tarja Halonen was elected to the Parliament for the first time in 1979, and after that she was re-elected four times, until she assumed the office of the President of Finland.
Tarja Halonen has served in three cabinets and her appointments have been: Minister at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health in 1987-1990, Minister of Justice in 1990-1991, and Minister of Foreign Affairs in 1995-2000.
During her presidency Tarja Halonen has served as co-chair of World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalisation, appointed by International Labour Organization ILO, from 2002 to 2004.
Tarja Halonen is married to doctor Pentti Arajrvi and she has one daughter.
Tarja Halonen was elected the 11th President of Finland in February 2000 and assumed office on 1 March 2000.
President Halonen was born in Helsinki in 1943.
President Halonen has served in three cabinets.
President Halonen has also played an active role at the Council of Europe, first as Deputy-Chair of the Finnish Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly from 1991 to 1995 and later in the Ministerial Committee.
President Halonen has paid close attention to issues of human rights, democracy and civil society.
Ambassador Ware and President Halonen discussed topics of mutual interest: American and Finnish culture and history; Finlands EU Presidency; Finlands unicameral Parliament, and the US.
Finnish President Tarja Halonen said challenges sprang from the biggest financial crisis in 80 years highlighted the significance of social responsibilities.
Tarja Halonen has paid close attention to issues of human rights, democracy and civil society.
Tarja Halonen has served as co-chair of World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization, appointed by International Labour Organization ILO, from 2002 to 2004.
On March 1, 2000, Tarja Halonen was inaugurated as president of Finland, the first woman to have won that office.
Halonen was born on Dec 24, 1943, in Helsinki.
Halonen was expected to continue Finlands pro-European Union policies, but she had voiced her opposition to the idea of Finnish membership in NATO.
President tarja Halonen meets with the Israeli Ambassador and Palestinian representatives on Thursday to discuss the current strife in Gaza.
President Tarja Halonen has called on Finns to stamp out violence.
In her New Year’s address to the nation, Halonen said that school shootings and other.
known to be outspoken and sometimes explosive in anger and impatience.
President Tarja Halonen married her long-time companion Pentti Arajarvi shortly after taking office.
Finnish President Tarja Halonen said challenges sprang from the biggest financial crisis in 80 years highlighted the significance of social.
2000Tarja Halonen is elected the first female president of Finland.
Halonen married her long term partner, Dr.
BiographyEarly life and political careerTarja Halonen was born on 24 December 1943 in the district of KallioKallio Kallio is a district in Helsinki, the capital of Finland, located on the eastern side of the Helsinki peninsula, about one k.
In 1987, Halonen was appointed Minister of Social Affairs and Health in the government of Prime Minister Harri HolkeriHarri Holkeri Harri Hermanni Holkeri [], KBE is a Finnish politician of the National Coalition Party of Finland who was Prime Minister of.
Halonen has often been compared to "MoominMoomin The Moomins are the central characters in a series of books by Finnish writer Tove Jansson, originally published in Swedish.
Halonen was nominated as one of the top ten members of the "Suuret SuomalaisetSuuret suomalaiset Suuret suomalaiset is a Finnish spinoff-version of the 100 Greatest Britons programme on the BBC.
Today, the church accepts women as priests, and Halonen has stated that she has no personal reason not to return to the church but refrains from doing so in order not to give a signal that might be misinterpreted.
They faced each other in a runoff on January 29 2006, where Halonen was re-elected with 51.
On August 26, 2000, President Halonen married her longtime partner, Dr Pentti ArajärviPentti Arajärvi Pentti Arajrvi is a Finnish doctor of law.
Throughout her political career, Halonen has been a strong supporter of human rightsHuman rights Human rights refers to the concept of human beings as having universal rights, or status, regardless of legal jurisdiction o.
published in 2005, Halonen is critical of some unnamed members of the Finnish civil serviceFacts About Civil serviceA civil servant or public servant is a civilian career public sector employee working for a government department or a.
2000presentSee alsoTarja Halonen's first inauguration speech, 2000Tarja Halonen's first inauguration speech, 2000 Tarja Halonen was elected as the 11th President of Finland in the second round of voting in the 2000 Finnish Presidential election.
Tarja Halonen's second inauguration speech, 2006Tarja Halonen's second inauguration speech, 2006 Tarja Halonen was re-elected for a second term as President of Finland in the second round of voting in the 2006 Finnish President.
President Tarja Halonen is the head of state for Finland.
Halonen was born on Christmas Eve of 1943 in Helsinki, Finlands capital city.
Like many of her postwar generation, Halonen was active in a number of leftist political movements during her time as a student at the University of Helsinki.
In the 2000 contest, Halonen was one of four women on the ballot for president, but her main foe was a fifth candidate, former prime minister and head of the Centre Party, Esko Aho.
Changes in Finlands constitution had recently reduced the powers of the president, relegating them to the domestic sphere, but Halonen remained commander-in-chief for the countrys military forces, and voiced her opinion on foreign affairs when she deemed it necessary.
Tarja Halonen has red hair and popular manners, in a ladylike kind of way.
Tarja Halonen has a rather square face.
Because Tarja Halonen is none other than the incumbent President of Finland, soon up for re-election (January 2006.
After a respected career as a social-democratic politician (Foreign Minister, Minister of Justice, et al) Halonen has become an immensely popular President (approval rates of 94-97%) in all Finnish quarters.
WikipediaBorn:December 24, 1943Related Searches:The World's 100 Most Powerful WomenKnight of the ElephantHeads of stateRecipient of the Star of Romania OrderGovernment minister of FinlandTarja Kaarina Halonencommon-lawfirst womanFinnishUnited Nations Secretary-Generallawyerhead of statePresident of Finlandcommon-law marriagepoliticianFrom HelsinkiSee moreNews About Tarja HalonenTarja Halonen had 2 news items on Live Search NewsTurun Sanomatdocument.
write(humane_date("2009-01-10 04:22:08"))Tarja Halonen had a news item on Live Search NewsThe stories that defined 2008 in the Northlanddocument.
write(humane_date("2009-01-07 20:03:25"))Tarja Halonen had a news item on Live Search NewsSpeaker of Parliament announces surprise marriagedocument.
Tarja Halonen - The President of Finland Tarja Kaarina Halonen is Finlands eleventh President.
President Tarja Halonen was born on December 24th 1943 in Helsinki.
Halonen is married to Mr Pentti Arajärvi.
politics at the University of Kent in Caterbury, England.
Halonen has two cats called Miska and Rontti and a turtle called Miki.
Martin announced today that the President of the Republic of Finland, Tarja Halonen is coming to Duluth in July.
Chancellor Martin said, We are very honored to have President Halonen join US in Duluth for the celebration of 'FinnFest 2008', and very proud to present her with an honorary Doctor of Laws degree.
President Halonen is the 11th president of the Republic of Finland, and Finland's first female head of state.
Internationally, President Halonen has remained a powerful voice for the rights of the poor-in Finland, in the Nordic countries, and in the world.
President Halonen has continually worked on behalf of the rights of women.
President Halonen has served as a role model for women, becoming the first female Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Republic of Finland (a post similar to US.
In addition to her work as a global humanitarian, President Halonen is a strong advocate for the arts as an amateur art historian, painter and gardener.
Halonen said she was proud of the fact that Finns esteem education.
On world issues, Halonen said in her address to the graduates that September 11, 2001, brought a new kind of insecurity and fear into people's lives -- not just in Americans, but in US all.
Halonen said she believes in people's equality, something found in both the Bible and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Halonen said she welcomed President Bush's statement that the role of the UN.
Halonen expressed her hope that the Finlandia graduates -- with a sense of internationalism -- would understand and support those who might not have the opportunity to have a bachelor's degree.
During the press conference, Halonen said she had no plans to visit Washington, D.
After a welcome from Ubbelohde, Halonen received greetings from various representatives, including State Rep.
Her Excellency President Tarja Halonen was elected the 11th President of the Republic of Finland in February 2000 and assumed office on March 1, 2000, becoming the first woman to hold the office of President in Finland.
President Halonen joined the Social Democratic Party in 1971.
While Halonen was Foreign Minister, Finland held the European Union (EU) Presidency for the first time in July-December 1999.
President Halonen has been active in the Council of Europe, first as Deputy-Chair of the Finnish Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly (1991-95) and later in the Ministerial committee.
Paying close attention to issues of human rights, democracy and civil society, Halonen has shown her concern for social justice and promotion of equality throughout her political career.
President Halonen is married to Dr.
In Finland's political landscape, Halonen is one of the most experienced politicians.
Halonen has a daughter and was a single mother when she became president.
Halonen is interested in literary history and enjoys arts and swimming.