Minister of Justice and Keeper of the Seals Rachida Dati of France

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Author: Simon Kirby (Lordkirbs)
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Original source: [1]
Author: Simon Kirby (Lordkirbs)
Permission: This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. In short: you are free to distribute and modify the file as long as you attribute its author(s) or licensor(s).
Dati is the first woman from a non-European immigrant background to occupy a key ministerial position in the French Cabinet.
Born in Saint-Rémy, Bourgogne, to a Moroccan father, a bricklayer, and an Algerian mother, Rachida Dati is the second child of a family of 12.
Dati has been criticized by the satirical weekly Le Canard enchaîné for her methods (perceived as rushed and uninsightful) and her demeanour (seen as excessively authoritarian), and for her alleged tendency to show off in costly clothes, mostly Christian Dior.
It is easy to see why Dati is wary of committing.
whose role was defined by Napoleon two centuries ago.
On Wednesday morning Dati was discharged from the clinic in which she gave birth last week by caesarian section 15 days ahead of her due date, handed over her five-day-old daughter, Zhora, to her two sisters, and hurried off to the cabinet meeting.
Even among those who thought that on the whole Dati had made the correct decision there were often reservations and concern that it also represented a "slap in the face" for those who had struggled to have maternity leave made part of employment legislation in France.
Whatever you think of her decision to return to work, Dati is actually not considered to be the shining star of Sarko's cabinet.
The super-short maternity leave of Justice Minister Rachida Dati is stirring debate in France over how to juggle a high-powered political career with the demands of motherhood.
Rachida Dati is back at work today after giving birth just five days ago.
Slim, trim and smiling, the beautiful and reserved French Justice Minister Rachida Dati is back at work today after giving birth just five days ago.
The buzz doing the rounds on the Net is that the 42-year-old Dati is expecting.
Gala reports that Dati turned up at last week's cabinet meeting showing the first visible signs of a likely pregnancy and when contacted, her office, rather than issuing a denial preferred "no comment.
On to the more serious business of who Dati is and how she has fared in office so far.
Even though there was general political support from all quarters for the need for reform, Dati was criticised for total incompetence by some Socialist parliamentarians.
Dati was – and still is – good buddies with Sarkozy's former wife Cécilia and has had to face a fair amount of ridicule from the press and accusations that she only got the job over others more qualified because of the former (non) “first lady’s” influence.
In March, just as the government was encouraging people to tighten their belts, Dati was forced to confirm that her department had already spent two-thirds of its annual €200,000 entertainment budget.
Dati was forced to do a volte face and ask the public prosecutors office to appeal a court decision, which had previously annulled a marriage because the wife of a Moslem man had lied about being a virgin.
All the while of course, Dati has not exactly been a shrinking violet in public.
So long seemingly protected by Sarkozy, Dati has not exactly been among his most closely sought advisors for the past couple of months.
Bruni-Sarkozy dislike her even more.
relationship between Mrs Bruni-Sarkozy and Miss Dati is played down.
After being very active during the campaign and being instrumental in Nicolas Sarkozy's victory, Dati has been designated as Minister of Justice, a major position in François Fillon's government, with great responsibilities in improving the situation of the French prisons and passing laws preventing youth criminality.
Dati is a typical example of this so-called positive discrimination, as she was virtually inexistent in the political game until January 2007.
Rachida Dati was Sarkozy's spokeswoman during his presidential campaign as the UMP candidate.
Born to poor North African Arab immigrants, the second of 12 children, Rachida Dati is acclaimed in the French press for her "American-style" success story.
After Sarkozy angered many by calling rioters in the immigrant suburbs "racaille" (scum), Dati was described as trying to rebuild Sarkozy's reputation in those areas - a description she rejects: "It was not a comeback in the suburbs.
Anyone born on French soil is entitled to French citizenship; thus Rachida Dati, daughter of Moroccan bricklayer Mbark Dati and Algerian housewife Fatim-Zohra Delhoum, says: "I am a French of French origin, since I was born in Bourgogne.
Rachida Dati is a defender of the values of the French Republic, in which she sees the guarantee of a free and dignified life: "The French Republic offers people who are in social difficulties the possibility to overcome them at some point.
On the other hand, Dati has said that she is considering setting up a British-style independent inspection committee to monitor conditions in France's much-criticized jails.
On blogs and websites, Rachida Dati was harshly criticized for supporting Sarkozy by writers identified as North African Arabs.
Dati was even described as "North African on the outside, bigoted Caucasian on the inside.
Dati is a typical example of this so-called affirmative action, as she was virtually nonexistent in the political game until January 2007.
For its part, the Egyptian Al-Ahram Weekly Online showed enthusiasm for the new justice minister: "Rachida Dati is a winning personality.
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French Justice Minister Rachida Dati has given birth to a baby girl.
Now, Rachida Dati is the highest-ranking person of North African descent in France.
feminist businesswoman, told Metro newspaper.
up yet another row over her behaviour.
Rachida Dati is the current French Minister of Justice and Mayor of Paris' 7th arrondissement.
Dati was born in France, which makes her a French Citizen.
Dati was his campaign adviser at the time, and had to respond to the many accusations.
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Frances Justice Minister, Rachida Dati is pregnant and Paris is agog with rumors as to who could possibly be the father.
Rachida Dati was in her early twenties at the time and making her way as a young lawyer and businesswoman in Paris.
Two decades later, Mme Dati is France's first senior minister of north African origin.
Finally, yesterday Mme Dati was forced to retreat.
SOS-Racisme said Mme Dati was paying the price for being the first person from a Maghreb immigrant background to reach such a high government position.
And President Sarkozy? Mme Dati was his protge and adviser at the interior ministry.
Dati is a French icon, Nicolas Sarkozy's hand-picked symbol of change: the first Muslim woman to hold a major government post.
Dati has been hailed as the nearest thing France's fractured society has to Barack Obama.
And Dati is so much part of the president's image and so deeply entwined in his own complicated private life, that to demote her would also damage him.
Dati was drawn to Sarkozy by his "rage.
Without experience of working within Sarkozy's UMP party or ever having run for elected office, Dati was thrust forward as his main spokeswoman on TV.
Dati was a huge media success, arguing Sarkozy's rightwing views from carefully prepared scripts.
From the start, however, Dati was at the heart of the Sarkozy's soap opera of a marriage to Ccilia - something that would later undermine her.
When Ccilia finally filed for divorce, Dati was left vulnerable.
Rachida Dati meets US, but she doesn't listen to US," said Christophe Rgnard, a magistratewho leads the biggest union.
As a role model, Dati is perhaps not the easiest person to warm to.
Dati has been propelled into the spotlight following her appointment by Sarkozy last year.
Around half of all French babies are born out of wedlock, but Dati is the first serving minister to become pregnant while not in a known relationship.
In an interview to appear in Le Point magazine Thursday, Dati says she hopes to remain in post at the justice ministry as long as possible.
Cynics said that the image-conscious Ms Dati was pulling off one of her stunts.
Dati is doing a disservice to the women's cause, Sophie de Menthon, a feminist businesswoman, told Metro newspaper.
Catherine Nay, a veteran journalist who wrote the authoritative biography on Mr Sarkozy, said that Ms Dati was making a mistake because she was stirring up yet another row over her behaviour.
Yesterday Paris Match magazine confirmed that Ms Dati had spent Christmas eve at the home of Andree Sarkozy, the President's mother.
adept at breaking through barriers.
Unlike many of her associates in the 21st-Century Club, Dati found her home on France's political right wing.
Dati was born in the village of Saint-Loup-de-Varennes, where her Moroccan father worked as a stone mason.
And Rachida Dati was very good with US.
But Dati has also repeatedly defended Sarkozy against charges of racism sparked by his tough campaign talk on controlling immigration and defending French identity.
The identity of the father has remained the subject of much behind-the-scenes guessing in France, where Dati has become a political celebrity.
Dati has refused to be drawn on the matter, telling reporters in September that she had a complicated private life and would keep the fathers name a secret.
Ms Dati is the daughter of immigrants from Algeria and Morocco who had little schooling.
Dati is also considered a self-made woman.
Rachida Dati is the daughter of immigrants and a woman who did not go to the elite schools most French politicians attend.
Rachida Dati has been on the job for two months.
Ms Dati has the image of someone who knows what she wants and who does not let anyone or anything get in her way.
Justice Ministry spokesman Guillaume Didier says Dati has given birth to her first child, a baby girl named Zohra, in a Paris clinic on Friday, Jan 2, 2009.
A spokesman says French Justice Minister Rachida Dati has given birth to her first child - a baby girl named Zohra - at the age of 43.
Rachida Dati is paying for being an outsider, because she is young, a woman and of North African origin," said Sopo.
CAIRO — French Justice Minister Rachida Dati is facing a smear campaign by right-wing media and "jealous" politicians, who cannot swallow a Muslim woman of poor ethnic background holding such a prestigious post, Britain's Times reported on Tuesday, July 17.
Rachida Dati is paying for being an outsider, because she is young, a woman and of North African origin," said Dominique Sopo, the Socialist President of the SOS Racisme organization.
In her very first weeks in office, Dati found herself in the midst of pressure and smear campaign.
Dati was born to a poor 12-strong family, raised in Chalon-sur-Saône, eastern France, and educated at a convent school.
PARISBorn in France to poor Muslim immigrant parents, French Justice Minister Rachida Dati is a powerful symbol of a society that is changing rapidly, if reluctantly.
Dati met Sarkozy when he was mayor of the rich Paris suburb of Neuilly, later becoming his spokeswoman during the 2007 presidential campaign.
Miss Dati had a baby and is now criticized for going back to work too fast.
Paris - France's Justice Minister Rachida Dati has given birth to a girl, media reports said Friday.
Petite Zohra Dati Has a Well-Known Mother, But Who is The Father? The accouchement of a French minister wouldn’t usually occasion such speculation were it not for Dati’s close relationship with her boss and mentor President.
Before Zohra Dati was even born, she was at the centre of the Paris rumour mill and in life it appears to be no different.
PARIS — A spokesman says French Justice Minister Rachida Dati has given birth to her first child, a baby girl named Zohra.
Just hours after leaving a private Paris clinic Wednesday with little Zohra bundled in satin in her arms, the perfectly coifed Dati joined other ministers for the weekly Cabinet meeting, then attended Sarkozy's traditional New Year's address at the Court of Cassation.
Dati had said she would be off the job only briefly, but few guessed the hiatus after a Caesarean section would last but five days.
Dati has built her career on defying the conventions of France, the traditions of her Muslim parents and her own humble beginnings.
A succession of top aides resigned amid reports that Dati was too authoritarian.
Dati's Achilles heel may have been her close relationship with Sarkozy's former wife, Cecilia, so close that Dati joined the presidential couple on a US.
Rachida Dati is within the scope of WikiProject France, an attempt to build a comprehensive and detailed guide to France on Wikipedia.
For me, Rachida Dati is not a product of immigration.
Why can't we take pride that Rachida Dati has done the same in France.
His argument for the acceptance of Rachida Dati is of political correctness! This is the basis of his morality, his ethics.
Dati has drawn furious protests from women's rights group, the opposition and parts of her own camp for refusing to condemn a marriage annulment granted to a Muslim couple after the bride admitted she had lied about being a virgin.
spokesman says French Justice Minister Rachida Dati has given birth to her first child.