Minister for Health Ulla Schmidt of Germany

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Original source: own work
Author: א (Aleph)
Original source: own work
Author: א (Aleph)
Health Minister Ulla Schmidt praised the deal, her spokesman saying that it was a significant contribution to health reforms.
Ursula „Ulla“ Schmidt is a german federal minister.
Ursula (Ulla) Schmidt is a German politician.
WikipediaBorn:1949Related Searches:from North Rhine-WestphaliaFederal Minister for HealthFederal Minister for Economics (GermanyFederal Minister for Health and Social Securitygrand coalitionGermanSocial Democratic Party of GermanyGovernment minister of GermanypoliticianMember of the German BundestagUrsula (Ulla) SchmidtNews About Ulla SchmidtUlla Schmidt had a news item on Live Search NewsArea bridge results announceddocument.
write(humane_date("2008-12-25 08:01:32"))Ulla Schmidt had a news item on Live Search NewsUAE Vice-President receives German health ministerdocument.
write(humane_date("2008-11-02 13:43:34"))Ulla Schmidt had a news item on Live Search NewsGerman-Russian Intergovernmental Consultationsdocument.
1 Ulla Schmidt has been minister of health in Germany since 2001.
heute Bundesgesundheitsminister Ulla Schmidt was.
Schmidt describes several changes to the German system over the past decade, including a 2007 reform designed to increase competition among the nations sickness funds, or insurers.
Schmidt is a German surname that is a cognate of "Smith", an occupational surname for a blacksmith.
Together with the President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Pöttering, Minister Ulla Schmidt had taken on patronage of this innovative conference, giving the starting signal for the "Multiple Sclerosis Information Dividend - MS-ID", a project being financed by the European Commission within the framework of the Public Health programme.
Schmidt lived at Gilleleje, Denmark.
htm#i314227||||||||||||||||Last Edited=19 Oct 2008 Ulla Schmidt was the daughter of A.
Health Minister Ulla Schmidt expressed understanding for doctors' complaints, but argued that the government was not at the root of problems in the health system.
Under the previous chancellor, Schmidt had one of the worst jobs in Germany's cabinet: She pushed through a far-reaching health reform that introduced a co-pay for doctor's visits, among other things.