Minister for Transportation, Construction, and Housing Wolfgang Tiefensee of Germany

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Tiefensee was elected mayor of Leipzig in 1998, and was re-elected with 67.
Wolfgang Tiefensee is also known for playing the cello, a talent that he successfully incorporated into Leipzig's Olympic bid.
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To make sure it does, Tiefensee is scheduled.
To make sure it does, Tiefensee is scheduled to travel to Copenhagen on.
As a native Leipziger who lived through the peaceful revolution of 1989, which brought down the East German communist regime, I remember how breathtaking each of the 15 years has been since then - full of change and new beginnings.
BMVBS: Wolfgang Tiefensee - Federal Minister of Transport, Building and Urban AffairsService menunavigation areacontent arearight column||Service menuback to top of pageDeutsch|Site map|Terms and conditions|Contact US|Help|navigation areaback to top of pageTransportBuildingUrban affairs and housingSpatial developmentThe MinistryThe Federal MinisterParliamentary State Secretary Achim GromannParliamentary State Secretary Karin RothParliamentary State Secretary Ulrich KasparickState Secretary Dr Engelbert Ltke DaldrupOrganizational chartHistoryResearchHow to reach the MinistryPressServiceFederal Government Commissioner for the New Federal Statescontent areaback to top of pageWolfgang Tiefensee - Federal Minister of Transport, Building and Urban AffairsWolfgang Tiefensee was born in Gera in 1955.
Wolfgang Tiefensee has made his city arguably the most successful metro area in Germany in terms of FDI attraction.
The DHL project ranks as one of Europe’s largest FDI deals over the past 12 months and Mr Tiefensee was instrumental in landing it.
In addition to making the city more visible on the world stage, Mr Tiefensee is also making sure the voice of Leipzig – and European cities generally – is heard within the EU.
The Fehmarn bridge "should not only significantly cut journey times between Copenhagen and Hamburg, but also is of high value for transport routes in Europe as a whole," German Transport Minister Wolfgang Tiefensee said after meeting with his Danish counterpart, Flemming Hansen.
FRANKFURT (AFX) - German transport minister Wolfgang Tiefensee said a decision on whether or not to build a 1.
Tiefensee said that the German government had already agreed to invest a 'very considerable' amount in the project, and that it was now necessary to reach an agreement on the funding with the state of Bavaria.
Talks are progressing well,' Tiefensee said at the Shanghai Transport and Logistics trade fair.
It was important to me that this exhibition should go ahead and expose the troubled past of the Reichsbahn,†Tiefensee said at the opening of the exhibition.
Danish counterpart, Carina Christensen.
As crash experts continued to comb through wreckage at the crash site at Lathen near the Dutch border, Tiefensee met in Berlin with representatives from the two companies developing the project, Siemens and ThyssenKrupp.
After the meeting, Tiefensee said "major safety failings" were clearly behind Friday's crash of the high-tech magnetic levitation train.
Tiefensee has repeatedly spoken out against a general speed limit on German motorways, the only roads in the world without speed limits and an important testing ground for German cars.
BERLIN (AFX) - The German government wants a controversial European Union proposal to liberalise port services to be withdrawn, Transport Minister Wolfgang Tiefensee said as thousands of dockers walked off the job across Europe.
To make sure it does, Tiefensee is scheduled to travel to Copenhagen on Wednesday to ink the final agreement together with his Danish counterpart, Carina Christensen.
The German government wants to build up to 30 offshore windfarms in a bid to meet its renewable energy targets, Transport Minister Wolfgang Tiefensee said in an interview published Sunday.
The German government supports EU plans to introduce binding climate protection guidelines for airlines and will take up the issue when Germany assumes the EU presidency next year, Transport Minister Wolfgang Tiefensee said in a newspaper interview Tuesday.
Wolfgang Tiefensee was born in Gera in 1955.
Tiefensee said in an e-mail interview with JTA.
a place where people pass daily now.
scientist Jan Philipp Reemtsma to promote Klarsfelds concept.