Minister of Economy and Finance Giulio Tremonti of Italy

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Original source: Cropped from World Economic Forum/Peter Klaunzer
Original source: Cropped from World Economic Forum/Peter Klaunzer
Tremonti said yesterday at Milans Cattolica University.
In following Great Britain and Spain, Italy’s government “will take all measures necessary to stabilize the financial system and to protect savings,” Finance Minister Giulio Tremonti said in a statement.
The Finance Minister Giulio Tremonti has said that the plan involves the construction of about 20,000 new homes in the next few years.
ROME, Dec 4 (Reuters) - Italian debt is absolutely safe, Economy Minister Giulio Tremonti said on Thursday.
Tremonti was speaking at a news conference after a meeting of financial ministers of.
Tremonti said that deteriorating labor conditions in Italy and the collapse of purchasing power are due to the folly of globalization.
ROME, June 25 (UPI) -- The chairman of Italy's troubled airline Alitalia told Italian authorities Wednesday he was "certain" a rescue plan would be in place by August.
ROME, Nov 29 (UPI) -- The Italian government has proposed a stimulus package that combines money for infrastructure and aid to poor families with help for banks.
March 6, 2008 (EIRNS)Former Italian Economic Minister Giulio Tremonti has proposed the establishment of a `New Bretton Woods' financial system.
Speaking on prime time during a popular political talk show on Raidue national television, Tremonti said that deteriorating labor conditions in Italy and the collapse of purchasing power are due to the folly of globalization.
ROME, Jan 15 (Reuters) - Italian Economy Minister Giulio Tremonti said on Thurdsay the euro was.
Italian Finance Minister Giulio Tremonti says Italy will push for broadening membership in the Group of Seven when it takes over leading the rich nations club next year.
November 20, 2008 (LPAC)--Italian Economics Minister Giulio Tremonti was the first member of an acting government to ever open the academic year at the Catholic University in Milan.
Calling it a tribute we owe to an ancient Franciscan, Tremonti said that this shift was not a simple accounting change, but a fundamental political and moral shift.
CEP News) Frankfurt - Italian Finance Minister Giulio Tremonti is in favour of expanding the European Central Bank's responsibilities to include a more.
suggests and the figures should be taken with a pinch of salt, Economy Minister Giulio Tremonti said in a newspaper interview on Tuesday.
active role in the supervision of the banking and financial sector, Italian Economy Minister Giulio Tremonti was quoted as saying in a French newspaper on Tuesday.
active role in the supervision of the banking and financial sector, Italian Economy Minister Giulio Tremonti said in a French newspaper interview on Tuesday.
WikipediaBorn:August 18, 1947Related Searches:EconomistItalianMember of Forza Italiafrom Lombardylombardyforza italiaEssayistSondrioMember of the Italian Socialist PartyNews About Giulio TremontiGiulio Tremonti had a news item on Live Search NewsTremonti: banche italiane salve da subprime, non parlano inglesedocument.
write(humane_date("2009-01-13 09:40:41"))Giulio Tremonti had 4 news items on Live Search NewsObama non convince Tremontidocument.
write(humane_date("2009-01-09 17:09:15"))See More Giulio Tremonti had 2 news items on Live Search NewsBanche, Tremonti dice di non sapere tempi decreto attuativodocument.
Pope Benedict XVI was the first to predict the crisis in the global financial system, a"prophecy'' dating to a paper he wrote when he was a cardinal, Italian Finance Minister Giulio Tremonti said.
The prediction that an undisciplined economy would collapse by its own rules can be found'' in an article written by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger , who became pope in April 2005, Tremonti said yesterday at.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Italy will propose broadening the Group of Seven nations and giving new and different tasks to the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, Italian Economy Minister Giulio Tremonti said on Saturday.
By Flavia Krause-Jackson Oct 10 (Bloomberg) -- Italy is refusing to endorse the current draft statement drawn up by economic officials from the Group of Seven nations because it is too soft, Finance Minister Giulio Tremonti said.
Italian banks have not engaged in creative financing or other risky financial operations and thus are more sound that those in other western countries, Italian Economy Minister Giulio Tremonti said on Thursday.
Now, as Italians prepare to vote in their April 13-14 election, Tremonti is playing a more populist tune.
In truth, Tremonti was always fairly suspicious of globalisation, once remarking that Europe would end up in the pot of a Chinese cook if it wasnt careful.
Nevertheless, Tremonti has thrown a stone in the water, comments the financial daily Il Sole 24 Ore today.
In the interview, Tremonti says among other things: This crisis is a crisis with a capital 'C', unfortunately similar, in many aspects, to 1929.
Economy Minister Giulio Tremonti said the loan would temporarily be counted as the airline's own funds because of accounting concerns.
But Mr Tremonti has said he will get in touch with Brussels today to explain the loan.
Tremonti said he also wanted to see new and more varied tasks assigned to the International Monetary Fund and World Bank to try to smooth the operation of the global economy.
Tremonti had outlined his ideas to the G20 club, which includes both leading and emerging economies, earlier on Saturday.
Tremonti said Italy would propose the IMF and the World Bank "can be used for different goals," and be given new tasks to complement their current ones.
Tremonti has spoken on several occasions of the need to "redesign the Bretton Woods" agreement, which established the post World War Two global financial structure.
The sudden resignation over the weekend of economy minister Giulio Tremonti has left a gaping hole in the economic plans of Berlusconi's crisis-hit government, at a time when it is under EU pressure to mend its finances.
Tremonti was to have unveiled hard-hitting budget cuts at Monday's Brussels talks in a bid to avert an EU warning over Italy's worsening deficit.