Minister of Cultural Assets Sandro Bondi of Italy

Instead, Berlusconi arrived, actually while Bondi was speaking.
Bondi said the work may travel next to the National Gallery in Washington "to pay homage to the new president Barack Obama," who is to take office on January 20.
Italian Culture Minister Sandro BondiWhat I foretold here (thanks to a helpful tip from Louis Godart) has now officially come to pass: Sandro Bondi has been named by the new Berlusconi government to replace The Great Repatriator, Francesco Rutelli, as Italy's minister of culture.
In addition to being head of Forza Italia, the political party of the recently elected prime minister, Bondi is a senator.
the formal 'Lei' rather than the familiar 'tu' form.
cult following in the Italian edition of Vanity Fair.
Bondi was named culture minister only last month.
Bondi has called for a law to ban abortion after the 90th day of pregnancy.
The news announced by Italian Culture Minister Sandro Bondi is a breakthrough for an initiative that has proved a hard sell.
Italian Culture Minister Sandro Bondi What I foretold here (thanks to a helpful tip from Louis Godart) has now officially come to pass: Sandro Bondi has been named by the new.