Minister of Information, Culture, Youth, and Sports Olivia Grange of Jamaica
Olivia 'Babsy' Grange was born April 27, 1946.
Olivia Grange is not just a politician, shes one of Jamaicas most prolific talents and campaigners - a business-woman, activist, social worker, as well as mother and grandmother.
today | Minister, Grange, World, Said, Miss | Accolades for Olympians - Sports Minister Olivia Grange has tagged Veroni.
defended her 200 Metre Olympic title.
reason she is rated among the finest female athletes of all time.
Grange said the establishment of the Corporate Offices would streamline the activities of the ministry, providing a hub to coordinate the various departments of the MICYS, which is responsible for the process of social transformation through integrated development initiatives at the community and national levels.
Grange says it is not for the police to determine whether a person is fit and proper to take care of a child whom it is suspected is being abused.
Meanwhile, Grange is appealing to members of the public to report any sign of child abuse or neglect within their communities to the CDA without hesitation.
Grange said she believed Jamaica had done well enough in the sport and had accumulated sufficient administrative experience over decades, to be able to host such an event.
Grange said the Grand Prix would form part of a package of sports tourism initiatives, which will seek to bring the world's best athletes to Jamaica regularly.
Grange said that there had to be constant effort to maintain the nursery which will produce those on whom Jamaica will depend for the sustainability of the country's prowess as a sporting nation.
Grange said her Ministry (MICYS) was especially pleased to be co-sponsor with UNESCO of this very important International Congress on Sports for Peace Development.
Grange said also that Jamaica had all right to feel proud that after representations made to the Director General of UNESCO, Usain Bolt and Veronica Campbell Brown were appointed UNESCO Champions for Sport.
Grange said the committee is to make recommendations, to ensure that the most effective methods are implemented to prevent a repeat of this situation.
Grange is urging people with vintage recordings to submit copies to help to rebuild the archives.
Minister Grange said she would like to wear them to attend the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games.
After Usain Bolt set the world record in the 100 meters Saturday night, Jamaica's Sports Minister Olivia Grange had to wait more than an hour in the media mix zone to congratulate her country's newest Olympic gold-medal winner in person.
Grange said adults should also encourage youth to consider agricultural pursuits from an early age to ensure food security for years to come.
Minister Grange has invited the Commonwealth Secretariat to host a major conference in Jamaica ahead of next year's Commonwealth Heads of Government and Commonwealth People's Forum in Trinidad and Tobago.
KINGSTON(JIS) - Minister of Information, Culture, Youth, and Sports, Olivia Grange is encouraging Jamaicans who are attending the 2008 Grand Gala at the National Stadium on Independence Day (Wednesday, August 6), to collect their free tickets early.
In addition, Miss Grange said art and culture must be utilised, not only for its entertainment value, but also to spearhead the social and economic development of the country.
Olivia 'Babsy' Grange was never interested in representational politics as a girl growing up in West Kingston it was a politically charged environment.
Grange said workers at the newly formed Public Broadcasting Corp.
30 seconds in the men's 200-meter final at National Stadium, Grange was surrounded by about 30 reporters who listened to her jubilation over Bolt's accomplishments.
Grange said her cell phone battery was low and she couldn't figure out how to play the song yet.
I figure that he will probably be resting there on the weekend and on Monday we will have all the details," Grange was quoted by the newspaper as having said.
There is a new king in town," said one Jamaican journalist while the nation's sports minister Olivia Grange said that "we are the sprint factory of the world.
We have reggae, we have the best coffee, Bob Marley gave US rastafari, and now we have Usain Bolt," Grange said boldly.