President Anote Tong of Kiribati

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Tong was overwhelmingly re-elected to his seat in parliament in the August 2007 parliamentary election.
President Tong has attracted international attention by warning that his country may become uninhabitable by the 2050s due to rising sea levels and salination provoked by climate change.
Tong has stated on several occasions that Kiribati may cease to exist altogether, and that its entire population of 94,000 may need to be resettled as climate refugees.
Anote Tong was elected in July 2003 with a slim majority (47.
Anote Tong was a participant or observer in the following events: (November 2005): Man with Suspected Links to Mohamed Atta Tries to Set Up a Flight School on Remote IslandsEL('1626004942-36337','36337') Wolfgang Bohringer.
KIRIBATI President, The Honourable Anote Tong has been presented with an Outstanding Conservation Leadership Award by Conservation International (CI) in recognition of his global leadership in protected areas with the declaration of the Phoenix Islands Protected Area (PIPA) in March 2006.
At a ceremony on May 11 at CI's global headquarters in Arlington (Virginia) President Tong received the Outstanding Conservation Leadership Award from CI President Dr.
Accepting the award President Tong said he hoped others would follow his example by taking steps to protect threatened natural resources.
President Tong was congratulated by Dr Greg Stone, Vice President for Global Marine Programs at the New England Aquarium (Boston, USA), whose research team has carried out several expeditions in the region, documenting the unique biodiversity values of the Phoenix Islands.
President of Kiribati Anote Tong says his nation is endangered by greenhouse gases from other countries.
President Anote Tong said the half-meter sea level rise projected by climate scientists over the next century would submerge a significant proportion of the land on which his people live.
Tong said he is sometimes frustrated by the lack of response hes received.
Despite his frustration, Tong said he realized that anger wouldnt help his people.
The Kiribati President Anote Tong says men must take the lead in stopping violence against women.
We are facing a gradual dying process, Kiribati President Anote Tong said on an Internet video clip.
President Tong was actually gracious.
proportion of the land on which his people live.
President Anote Tong said the half-meter sea level rise projected by climate scientists over the next century would submerge a significant proportion.
ISKANDER: President Tong has traveled around the world, sounding the alarm.
ISKANDER: With or without the help of the international community - Tong says he must deal with the reality of a long term solution.
ISKANDER: Back in Kiribati, President Tong is in a race against time.
ISKANDER: President Tong says adaptation could work in other countries, but in Kiribati, it's just a short term solution and won't solve their ultimate problem of rising sea levels.
WikipediaBorn:1952Related Searches:London School of EconomicstarawaNational LeaderTarawa AtollPinyinElectoral fraudGilbertesePresident of KiribatiHarry TongchineseOverseas ChineseChinese languageKiribati politiciankiribatirepublic of chinaWorld War IISee moreNews About Anote TongAnote Tong had a news item on Live Search NewsThe Savior of the Seasdocument.
write(humane_date("2008-12-21 08:06:17"))Anote Tong had a news item on Live Search NewsThe 15 Most Ignored Nationsdocument.
write(humane_date("2008-11-20 07:17:08"))Anote Tong had a news item on Live Search NewsAs things warm up, don't forget Kiribatidocument.
com/art_history/Anote_TongUniversity of LondonAnote Tong has been returned as president of Kiribati with an overwhelming majority.
President Anote Tong is the head of state for Kiribati.
President Tong is serving his second term as President (Te Beretitenti) of Kiribati, after being re-elected in October last year.
President Tong was educated in Kiribati before attending St Bedes College, Christchurch and graduating from Canterbury University with a Bachelor of Science degree.
Its President Anote Tong is watching on with sadness.
KERRI RITCHIE: Anote Tong has just arrived in New Zealand for talks with Prime Minister Helen Clark.
KERRI RITCHIE: Anote Tong says other countries should follow New Zealand's lead.
Kiribati President Anote Tong says that his small Pacific-island nation has more potential than many observers have given credit for.
President Tong is noted as a leader in environmental and sustainability discussions, notably in the Pacific Islands Forum, with his country vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.
Tong is the first foreign head of state to visit the Republic of China this year.
During the ceremony, Tong was accorded full military honors, complete with a 21-gun salute.
Noting that he is one of the most prominent politicians in the South Pacific region, Chen said Tong has contributed much to Kiribati development during his 25-year political career.
For his part, Tong said he once visited Taiwan in his capacity as a ministerial-level official.
promote action on climate change for World Environment Day.
Anote Tong has already accepted that his home could become the next Atlantis.
Tong is the president of the Republic of Kiribati, a chain of tiny Pacific islands near the equator, and he is alarmed about global warming for good reason.
President Anote Tong said communities had already been resettled and crops destroyed by sea water in some parts of the country, made up of 33 coral atolls straddling the equator.
Mr Tong was one of several international figures in New Zealand's capital to promote action on climate change for World Environment Day.
In the worst-case scenario, Kiribati would be submerged by the end of this century and Mr Tong said he wanted help from other countries to resettle his people.
Tong said his nation was already suffering, with land and houses washed away.
However, in July 4 presidential elections, opposition candidate Anote Tong was elected president with 47.
President Tong is a graduate of the Lodon School of Economics, who built his campaign around reviewing a controversial Chinese satellite spy base on South Tarawa.
Now President Tong is trying to find new homes for his people, our neighbours.
Contrary to the climate denials of the likes of Czech Republic President Vaclav Klaus, the president of Kiribati, Anote Tong has pointed out, “Some industrialised countries might be arguing that climate change would hurt their economic development.
Tong met Australia's Climate Change Minister Penny Wong, as well as leading climate scientists from the Australian National University to discuss how long his country might have.
Tong said the fishing-reliant country, with a $71 million economy, could be totally submerged within a century, under the worst current predictions.