Secretary of the General People's Committee for Higher Education Aqil Husayn Aqil of Libya
Muslim bin Aqil has come to Kufa and muslims have pledged allegiance to him on behalf of al-Husayn bin Ali bin Abi Talib, peace be on them.
Permission was given and Muslim bin Aqil received (Maqil's) pledge of allegiance.
allegiance to him on behalf of al-Husayn b.
Ubayd Allah quickly went into the palace and locked the gates.
Muslim ibn 'Aqil was made a stranger to Kufah.
Then Muslim ibn 'Aqil had performed the ablutions.
As Muslim ibn 'Aqil was continuing gallantly to fight the fierce battle, Muhammad ibn Ash'ath called out to him, "O Muslim! Do not destroy yourself.
Muslim ibn 'Aqil was not convinced and continued to fight.
Muslim ibn 'Aqil was now was covered in wounds from the constant hail of stones and arrows.
When Muslim ibn 'Aqil was brought into the palace as a prisoner, he did not salute Ibn Ziyad with the greeting of peace.
As Muslim ibn 'Aqil was being lead to his execution, he praised and glorified Allah and invoked His blessings and benedictions upon the Prophet and his family saying, "O Allah! You be the final judge between US and these people who have summoned US, lied to US and betrayed US.
The following is an account of Muslim ibn 'Aqil's final encounter with Ibn Ziyad as reported in Kitab al-Irshad: Muslim ibn 'Aqil was extremely thirsty as he was brought wounded to the palace.
By this he meant that if Ibn Sa'd been a trustworthy person, he would never have divulged what Muslim ibn 'Aqil had told him in confidence.
After a heated exchange of words in which Muslim ibn 'Aqil was accused of disuniting the people, Ibn Ziyad said to Muslim ibn 'Aqil, "What concern is the unity of the people to you? Why did you not concern yourself with that when you were drinking wine with the people in Medina?" At this Muslim retorted, "By Allah! You are lying! You, who lap the blood of Muslims and murder those whose life Allah has deemed sacred, are more correctly described as drinking wine than me.
While Husayn was on his way to Kufah, Muslim ibn Aqil was received with open arms by the people of Kufah.
his wife and children from Medinah to Makkah.
the Almighty, to a place known as al-Maqid.
Abdullah ibn Muslim ibn Rabiah al-Hadhrami, an ally of the Banu Umayyah, wrote the (following) letter to Yazid ibn Muawiyah:Muslim ibn Aqil has come to Kufah and Muslims have pledged allegiance to him on behalf of al-Husayn ibn Ali ibn Abi Taleb, peace be on them.
So go (looking) for them and continue until you find where Muslim ibn Aqil is staying.
Permission was given and Muslim ibn Aqil received (Maqels) pledge of allegiance.
allegiance in Kufa on Husayns behalf.
was betrayed and Ubaydallah found out where Aqil was staying.
bribing the people, and slowly Aqils support evaporated.
killed and Kufa now supported Yazid.
him on behalf of al-Husayn ibn Ali ibn Abi Taleb, peace be on them.
find where Muslim ibn Aqil is staying.
While ibn Aqil remained at the palace door, his thirst had become severe.