Ambassador to the US Zoran Jolevski of Macedonia

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Zoran Jolevski is New Macedonian Ambassador to US.
Government Spokesperson Duraki confirmed today.
For the past two years, Jolevski was Macedonias ambassador to the United States.
After being appointed this weekend, Jolevski said former negotiator Nikola Dimitrov and Prime Minister's chief of staff Martin Protuger would remain in the team, local A1 TV reported.
Jolevski comes to the post at a time when the negotiations for finding a compromise to Macedonias name dispute have come practically to a halt.
Zoran Jolevski has not been authorized by the president to make the visit to Beijing," Chang said.
The rumors about Macedonia's plans to re-establish ties with China came from a report in yesterday's Chinese-language media, which said that Jolevski had been authorized by the Macedonian government to discuss the question of diplomatic relations with Beijing authorities.
Jolevski was born July 16, 1959 in Skopje.
Jolevski is the person that proposed the new name of Skopje airport.
Zoran Jolevski was appointed ambassador of Macedonia to the United States in March.
Ambassador Jolevski is married to Suzana Jolevski and has two sons, Pero and Filip.
Macedonia's Ambassador to the US Zoran Jolevski is nominated for the new negotiator in the UN sponsored name talks with neighbouring Greece, Government Spokesperson Shefik Duraki confirmed for MIA.
name dispute have come practically to a halt.
Jolevski said the attack was unexpected.
Jolevski was born in Skopje, a town rocked by a major earthquake in 1963 which killed 1,000 people and left 120,000 homeless.
Zoran Jolevski said the former Yugoslav republic, pulled back from the brink of bloody ethnic conflict last year, now needs the international community's help more than its soldiers.
Jolevski said the Lackawanna and Hamburg donations are the first by his office in America.