Minister of Culture Mohamed El Moctar of Mali

El Moctar was born in Almoustaratt, in the province of Bourem.
El-Moctar said the suspects likely entered through the window or a side door.
El-Moctar said the authorities were doing a good job with their work and investigation.
com - El-Moctar is a writer, student and father in addition to serving as a religious leader 01/27/07var sitepage = "www.
Imam Mohamed El-Moctar vividly remembers his first day of school.
El-Moctar is from Mauritania, a primarily desert region with scattered oases and among the poorest of African countries with a population of about 2 million.
El-Moctar is the author of four books, all by different publishers in London, Damascus, Saudi Arabia and Nigeria.
El-Moctar has four brothers and five sisters.
By age 11, El-Moctar had memorized the Quran, studying in a religious school concurrently with his regular schooling.
Nigerien Rebel Vice President Acharif Ag Mohamed El Moctar Rebel vice president Acharif Ag Mohamed El Moctar says the group has not attacked uranium and oil sites directly, because it hoped the government would negotiate.
Moctar says the rebels will increase pressure through violence.
After the meeting, El-Moctar said he was very happy with the outpouring of support.
Imam Mohamed El-Moctar said he discovered the vandalism when he arrived.
El-Moctar said he contacted police and the FBI was investigating.
El-Moctar said representatives from an interfaith group will show their support for the mosque.
Religious leader Mohamed El-Moctar says the mosque is considering updating its security system.
El-Moctar said the goal of the renovation was to help integrate the mosque into the community.