Secretary of Finance and Administration Finley Perman of Micronesia, Federated States of
Perman has accomplished what most in recent history have not been able to accomplish for Pohnpei State.
Perman approached the Legislature for help in providing accountants for the "component units.
Perman has what it takes to head a big and complex Department like FSM Finance.
Perman is a great guy young and accept responsibilities.
Perman is the right choice for the top job.
MicSem AdminFinley Perman was an auditor before.
Perman is nominated and confirmed for the Secretary of FSM Finance, I hope he will NOT be like Mr.
Finley Shoniber Perman is the new Finance Secretary of FSM! My big congratulations to him.
Perman said that in the worst case scenario all of the involved agencies could recall all of the $5 million in questioned costs.
Perman is a graduate of Hawaii Pacific College.
Perman has over 12 years work experience in auditing and banking.
Gerald Perman has produced one the great vocal series of the world.