Minister of Justice Ernst Hirsch ballin of Netherlands

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Original source: Rijksvoorlichtigsdienst. The Dutch government agency for information to the public and press
Author: Unknown. Copyright holder of the picture is the Dutch State.
Permission: GNU Free Documentation License
Original source: Rijksvoorlichtigsdienst. The Dutch government agency for information to the public and press
Author: Unknown. Copyright holder of the picture is the Dutch State.
Permission: GNU Free Documentation License
After a parliamentary inquiry (1994) into the investigative methods used by the Dutch interregional police force (IRT affair), Hirsch Ballin had to resign from his position.
De heer Hirsch Ballin was van 1974 tot 1977 wetenschappelijk assistent staatsrecht aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam.
De heer Hirsch Ballin was onder meer Regeringscommissaris toetsing wetgevingprojecten, lid van het Algemeen bestuur van de Atlantische Commissie, lid van het Comité 2004 (Nederland/Nederlandse Antillen/Aruba), raadsheer-plaatsvervanger in de Centrale Raad van Beroep en het College van Beroep voor het bedrijfsleven (zonder vaste deeltaak) en redacteur van het Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Bestuursrecht en van de boekenreeks European and International Law.
Hirsch Ballin was vanaf 22 september 2006 opnieuw minister van Justitie in het Derde Kabinet-Balkenende.
Ernst Maurits Henricus (Ernst) Hirsch Ballin was born in Amsterdamon 15 December 1950.
Mr Hirsch Ballin was a research assistant in constitutional law at the Universityof Amsterdamfrom 1974 to 1977.
In 2000 Mr Hirsch Ballin was appointed to the Council of State, and he chaired its Administrative Jurisdiction Division from 2003 to 2006.
Mr Hirsch Ballin has held numerous other positions, among them government commissioner for the review of legislation, member of the Board of the Netherlands Atlantic Association, member of Committee 2004 (for the relationship between the Netherlands, the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba) and deputy justice on the Central Appeals Tribunal and the Administrative Court for Trade and Industry.
Hirsch Ballin was born on December 15, 1950.
Justice Minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin has attracted sharp criticism from a large part of the Lower House following the surprise arrest of cartoonist Gregorius Nekschot.
Hirsch Ballin said Friday the arrest was only now carried out because Nekschot's identity was not known to the OM before.
She expressed that Minister Hirsch Ballin was very grateful for the Award and happily surprised that people outside his country noticed the actions of the Dutch Government.
Hirsch Ballin said the Dutch Council for Jurisprudence felt that rising for a judge is "the common way to show respect for the court and legal authority.
National newspaper Trouw reports that Justice Minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin is planning to introduce new legislation to this effect.
In a short statement, Hirsch Ballin said there was no question of there being limits placed on the right to free speech in the Netherlands.
THE HAGUE - Dutch Justice Minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin is considering whether measures should be introduced against what is known in the Netherlands as 'Islamic marriage.
Dutch Justice Minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin has told parliament that he will do everything possible to ensure that two Dutch men convicted on child pornography charges in Brazil do not escape punishment.
Ernst Hirsch BallinRelationen - News und ArtikelErnst Maurits Henricus Hirsch Ballin is a Dutch politician, minister of Justice in the Fourth cabinet Balkenende.
Justice Minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin says it is important that people be able to make their opinions known in public and that they have the freedom to criticize a religion.
Dutch Justice Minister, Ernst Hirsch Ballin came in for a verbal kicking during Tuesdays debate on the Gregorius Nekschot affair.
Minister Hirsch Ballin denies there is any change.
In a letter to Parliament responding to formal questions by lawmakers asking the details surrounding the return this week of Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Justice Minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin said that Dutch protection for her in the United States, where she has lived and worked for a year, had always been a temporary measure and was extended twice in the last year before it was ended outright.