Minister of European Affairs Frans Timmermans of Netherlands

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Original source: Rijksvoorlichtigsdienst. The Dutch government agency for information to the public and press
Author: Unknown. Copyright holder of the picture is the Dutch State.
Permission: GNU Free Documentation License
Original source: Rijksvoorlichtigsdienst. The Dutch government agency for information to the public and press
Author: Unknown. Copyright holder of the picture is the Dutch State.
Permission: GNU Free Documentation License
Frans Timmermans is a member of the Bilderberg Group.
in the fourth Balkenende government.
Frans Timmermans is a Member of Parliament in the Netherlands for the Social Democratic Party (PvDA) and member of the Convention on the Future of Europe.
Franciscus Cornelis Gerardus Maria (Frans) Timmermans was born in Maastricht on 6 May 1961.
On 22 February 2007 Mr Timmermans was appointed Minister for European Affairs in the fourth Balkenende government.
During the special business lounge dinner organised by the Embassy and the Dutch Chamber of Commerce, Minister Timmermans met with the representatives of the Dutch and Macedonian business community and discussed about their experiences with doing business in Macedonia.
Timmermans is one of the architects of the EU constitutional treaty and was the advisor and private secretary of Minister Van der Stoel in the period 1995-1998.
Frans Timmermans is the new Minister of European Affairs.
Frans Timmermans has a great record of service on European Affairs.
Currently Mr Timmermans was member of the Parliamentary Assemblees of the Council of Europe and the West European Union.
cultural relations between the US and Netherlands.
Timmermans had previously acted as finance director and company secretary.
Netherlands' Minister on EU Affairs Timmermans is going to visit Bulgaria on September 8 and 9 as part of a tour in Southeast Europe.
but a Constitution may be hard to sell to the people Frans Timmermans was interviewed by Paul Hilder on 28 February 2003.
Timmermans came to Winternachten 2008 and also attended the opening of an exposition by Marlene Dumas.
Mr Timmermans was in Malta for the euro adoption celebrations.
Dutch EU minister Frans Timmermans has called for a “smaller, leaner” European treaty to replace the one rejected by voters in France and the Netherlands.
Timmermans said the Netherlands should remain at the core of Europe and not retire to the sidelines.
Timmermans said Tuesday that the Netherlands is willing to settle for decision-making by a majority instead of the right of veto in certain policy areas.
Timmermans said he wants to collaborate closely with France and Britain on the new treaty.
NRC Handelsblad reported that Timmermans said that he completely disagreed' with the assessment of EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn after the EU Commission said that Croatia may be able to complete entry talks next year if it speeds up its entry preparations.
South Korean Prime Minister Han Seung-soo was in Ankara on Monday (December 1st) to discuss boosting trade.
Dutch Minister for European Affairs Frans Timmermans is on an official visit to Greece.
Timmermans met on Monday (December 1st) with Deputy Foreign Minister Yannis Valinakis.
Dutch NRC Handelsblad reported that Timmermans said he "completely disagreed" with EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn after the EU Commission said last month that Croatia could wrap up entry talks next year if it steps up its preparations.
Timmermans described the situation this way: "They shun her like she is Count Dracula's younger sister.