Minister of Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality Gerda Verburg of Netherlands

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Original source: Rijksvoorlichtigsdienst. The Dutch government agency for information to the public and press
Author: Unknown. Copyright holder of the picture is the Dutch State.
Permission: GNU Free Documentation License
Original source: Rijksvoorlichtigsdienst. The Dutch government agency for information to the public and press
Author: Unknown. Copyright holder of the picture is the Dutch State.
Permission: GNU Free Documentation License
Verburg said the structural cause behind the current food crisis is not the demand for biofuel or commodity speculation, but rather the neglect of the agricultural sector.
Since 2003 Verburg has been vice-chair of the parliamentary party.
Verburg is minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality in the Fourth cabinet Balkenende.
Verburg said that Dutch-Chinese cooperation in agriculture has been fruitful and that her country is ready to share experience and expertise with China in agricultural production and rural development.
Verburg had cabinet backing to vote in favour of the soya at a meeting of European Union agriculture ministers because it has been approved by the European food safety organisation EFSA.
Agriculture Minister Gerda Verburg has : informed parliament of the decision, which : follows the advice of a commission of : experts appointed to review the policy.
experts appointed to review the policy.
Dutch Agriculture Minister Gerda Verburg has ambitious plans for the sector.
Minister Verburg said some 200 cattle transports have taken place between Britain and the Netherlands in the last two months.
Verburg said the ban on transport would be reviewed on Monday.
We need the experience (of first generation biofuels) but we have to be cautious, Verburg said in an interview with Reuters on Monday.
Verburg said she hoped the focus could shift to forms of biofuels that are not made out of food crops.
Gerda Verburg has appealed to all her counterparts in the European Union to take meaningful steps to help Africa.
Gerritje (Gerda) Verburg was born in Zwammerdam on 19 August 1957.
Ms Verburg was a member of the House of Representatives of the States General for the Christian Democratic Alliance (CDA) from 1998 to 2007.
Ms Verburg has also been a member of the Social and Economic Council and the Labour Foundation.
On 22 February 2007 Ms Verburg was appointed Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality in the fourth Balkenende government.
CSD-17 Chair Verburg had already left New York, so CSD-16 Chair Nhema declared the meeting closed at 6:13 pm.
Minister Verburg said in a short comment that the motion will be discussed in the cabinet, but that "Noone in Europe will understand this.
Mevrouw Verburg was van 1998 tot 2007 voor het CDA lid van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal.
minister Gerda Verburg said this week.
itself must come up with structural and innovative solutions.
Verburg said she expected the pig sector to feel the pressure most of all.
Even though there were no agreements containing precise details on how to tackle the trade in endangered species, Ms Verburg says she is not afraid that it will just be lovely words written on nice paper.
biofuels that are not made out of food crops.
Verburg comes from a family of farmers.
WikipediaBorn:August 19, 1957Related Searches:dutchGovernment minister of the NetherlandsFourth cabinet BalkenendeSocial Economic Councilminister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Qualityministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food QualityChristelijk Nationaal Vakverbondlegalisation of gay marriagesGerritje (Gerda) VerburgAlphen aan de Rijnprotestant schoolsBodegravenZwammerdamSame-sex marriage in the NetherlandsEuropean Trade Union Confederationtweede kamerSee moreRelated People to Gerda VerburgJan Peter BalkenendecolleagueNews About Gerda VerburgGerda Verburg had 4 news items on Live Search NewsHeffing op plezierboot voor recreatiefondsdocument.
write(humane_date("2009-01-13 12:11:01"))See More Gerda Verburg had a news item on Live Search NewsAmbtenaren Buitenlandse Zaken krijgen ijsvrij - Trouwdocument.
write(humane_date("2009-01-07 11:28:01"))Gerda Verburg had a news item on Live Search NewsEU nations agree on cuts in fishing quotasdocument.
Print This Page Dutch Minister Calls for Sustainable ProductionDutch Agriculture Minister Gerda Verburg has called for a 15 year sustainable cattle breeding programme.
Print This Page Dutch Attack Bluetongue Finance PackageThe Dutch Agriculture Minister Gerda Verburg has hit out at the proposed financing of the European vaccination programme to fight bluetongue.
And Minister Verburg said that fixed amounts would not work in the Netherlands' as they are set at well below the cost of the vaccine and well below how much it would cost to vaccinate each animal.
Gerda Verburg was elected Chairperson of the seventeenth session of the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD-17), a session which will focus on the thematic cluster of agriculture, rural development, land, drought, desertification and Africa, and which will complete the second or Policy year of the first two-year (2008-2009) Implementation Cycle of the CSD.
Verburg had declared her intention, and that of the Netherlands, to develop a joint proposal with Japan, Iceland and Norway which would permit whaling in a limited number of areas.