Minister of the Environment and Spatial Planning Jacqueline Cramer of Netherlands

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Original source: Rijksvoorlichtigsdienst. The Dutch government agency for information to the public and press
Author: Unknown. Copyright holder of the picture is the Dutch State.
Permission: GNU Free Documentation License
Original source: Rijksvoorlichtigsdienst. The Dutch government agency for information to the public and press
Author: Unknown. Copyright holder of the picture is the Dutch State.
Permission: GNU Free Documentation License
Department and then in the Dynamics of Science teaching and research unit.
Science teaching and research unit.
and Spatial Planning in the fourth Balkenende government.
Jacqueline Marian Cramer was born in Amsterdam on 10 April 1951.
Ms Cramer was a lecturer at the University of Amsterdam from 1976 to 1989, first in the Biology and Society Department and then in the Dynamics of Science teaching and research unit.
Ms Cramer was a crown-appointed member of the Social and Economic Council.
On 22 February 2007 Ms Cramer was appointed Minister of the Environment and Spatial Planning in the fourth Balkenende government.
Minister Cramer came on the invitation by the Minister for Environment Protection and Natural Resources of Georgia.
Queen’s DayAt the Queen’s Day reception Minister Cramer was introduced to Prime Minister Lado Gurgenidze as well as other members of the national and international community.
Jim Cramer is co-founder and chairman of TheStreet.
At the time of publication, Cramer was long ConocoPhillips.
The chart indicates the stock is a buy, but looking at the fundamentals, Cramer says the world commodities market is down and low demand for iron ore will hurt Brazil.
Jacqueline Cramer is a part-time Professor of Environmental Management at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and works as an independent consultant for government and industry.
Environment Minister Jacqueline Cramer received the report which recommended stringent criteria for the use of biomass materials such as grains, sugar and cellulose, increasingly used to generate power and produce biofuel.
THE HAGUE, 27/08/08 - Environment Minister Jacqueline Cramer was closely involved in the break-in at economic affairs ministry in 1985.
Now it turns out that Cramer was among a group claiming responsibility for the campaign.
The real Jacqueline Cramer was indeed this action group's president at the time.
After Duyvendak's resignation from the Lower House, Cramer said two weeks ago: "This is a personal tragedy, but his decision is the right one.
CERTIFICATIONCramer said last week she would soon start discussing with the industry the possible certification system for the use of biomass.
The Dutch government also plans to stimulate the construction of more wind energy parks, Cramer said but declined to give details about the size of the future subsidy package.
Stop Trading!: Sell the Oils", "Not even a cold, snowy winter is enough to drive up oil and gas prices, Cramer said during Friday’s Stop Trading.
Dutch Environment Minister Jacqueline Cramer says she maycurb thesupply of government subsidies to environmental organisations.
In keeping with herSocial Democrat leanings, Ms Cramer came out in defence of the environmentalists.
Ms Cramer said the majority of the Dutch population has no objection tosubsidies togroups that are critical of the government policy.
Despite a recent report from a Dutch advisory body urging the cabinet to reconsider nuclear power in 2010, Environment Minister Jacqueline Cramer said there were too many unresolved issues with the technology to make it attractive.
Some aspects of nuclear energy are positive such as the carbon dioxide level, but the disadvantages are also enormous, such as the waste problem and the safety conditions, Cramer said in an interview with Reuters on Wednesday.
Cramer said the Netherlands was focusing on developing carbon capture and storage (CCS) techniques to build cleaner coal plants, along with increasing its production from renewable energy sources such as wind, solar and biomass.
Cramer said there were plans to double the Netherlands' wind energy output on land to about 4,000 megawatts by 2011 and further by 2020 and also to expand its offshore wind farms and solar energy, and examine geothermal and tidal energy.
Definitely packed their future!**********************Dutch environmentDutch Environment Minister Jacqueline Cramer said she may curb the supply of government subsidies to environmental organizations.
Cramer was responding to continuing harsh criticism of a number of environmentalist groups.
In keeping with her Social Democrat leanings, Cramer came out in defense of the environmentalistsEnvironmental awareness must be easy in the land of the tulips and the windmills.
Cramer was closely involved in the break-in at economic affairs ministry in 1985.
Cramer has emphatically distanced herself from the ad and even says she cannot remember giving permission for her name to be put under it.
Cramer has stated she does not remember signing the ad.
He wants to await the result of an investigation Cramer is having carried out of her own past, which should be ready by Tuesday.