State Secretary for Health, Welfare, and Sport Jet Bussemaker of Netherlands

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Original source: Rijksvoorlichtigsdienst. The Dutch government agency for information to the public and press
Author: Unknown. Copyright holder of the picture is the Dutch State.
Permission: GNU Free Documentation License
Original source: Rijksvoorlichtigsdienst. The Dutch government agency for information to the public and press
Author: Unknown. Copyright holder of the picture is the Dutch State.
Permission: GNU Free Documentation License
Bussemaker said that she was impressed with Beijing's preparatory work for the 2008 Olympic Games and that she believed the upcoming Beijing Olympic Games would be a resounding success.
In the 1998 elections Bussemaker was elected into the Tweede Kamer.
In May 2008, Bussemaker received strong criticism from MPs and fellow Cabinet members after stating for the radio that she supported 2008 American Presidential candidate Barack Obama, and that she would consider the election of his Republican competitor John McCain to be a disaster.
Bussemaker is concerned that if the court agrees that FIFA is abusing its powers, it could be end of players representing their own country in international competitions.
The Christian Union immediately sounded the alarm in this case, and Ms Bussemaker was forced to withdraw her letter to parliament.
On the eve of her departure for Beijing, Bussemaker said that she is confident that the Paralympics will be as much successful as the Olympic Games.
Bussemaker said she was very impressed by the beautiful sport complexes and the cleanness of the Chinese capital, as well as the "extremely helpful volunteers.
Bussemaker said the Dutch government supports the goal of the Dutch sports world to be one of the top ten sports countries in the world.
Bussemaker said the Netherlands is considering what it takes to bring the Olympic Games to the country in 2028, exactly a century after Amsterdam hosted the 1928 Olympics.
Speaking about the Paralympics, Bussemaker said these games are very important because they focus on what disabled people can do instead of what they can't do.
Bussemaker said that during her visit to the Olympics, it was clear that for China the Paralympics are as much important as the Olympics.
A survey presented to Deputy Health Minister Jet Bussemaker said terminally ill patients are increasingly choosing to be sedated until they die.
Bussemaker said these games are very important because they focus on what disabled people can do instead of what they can't do.
Deputy Health Minister Jet Bussemaker has called on nursing and care homes for the elderly to establish a single resuscitation policy.
5 September 2008THE HAGUE -- Deputy Health Minister Jet Bussemaker has called on nursing and care homes for the elderly to establish a single resuscitation policy.
Bussemaker said she does not necessarily condemn this policy, but wants health carers to make clear the consequences of resuscitation after heart failure to elderly residents in terms of quality of life.
Mariëtte (Jet) Bussemaker was born in Capelle aan den IJssel on 15 January 1961.
Ms Bussemaker was a member of the House of Representatives of the States General for the Labour Party (PvdA) from 1998 to 2007.
On 22 February 2007 Ms Bussemaker was appointed State Secretary for Health, Welfare and Sport in the fourth Balkenende government.
The Dutch Deputy Minister for Health, Welfare and Sport, Jet Bussemaker says excessive testing for use of illegal substances by people who take part in sport is a violation of an athlete's right to privacy.
Dutch minister Jet Bussemaker has said it would be a disaster if John McCain were elected US president and Tax haven savers who report to the tax authorities are exempt from paying fine.
Ms Bussemaker has proposed two commissions to help clarify when the procedure can be done.
Deputy Minister Bussemaker was asked if the ethicists on such a commission might block certain procedures out of political interest.
State Secretary of Sports Jet Bussemaker said that she was happy to be apart of theground breaking ceremony and she looks forward in returning to the island for theofficial opening of the Cruijff multi purpose court in the future.
A survey presented to Deputy Health Minister Jet Bussemaker said terminally ill patients are increasingly choosing to be sedated until they die a natural death.
Labour party PvdA State secretary for public health Jet Bussemaker took the occasion of a guest lecture at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam on Tuesday to make it clear that there is no reason to fear that the ChristenUnie's agenda will hijack government policy on medical-ethical matters.
Bussemaker said that the government will not tamper with a woman's right to choose if she opts for an abortion.
Bussemaker said that 85 percent of women who visit the doctor in this situation have already made their mind up whether they want an abortion.
Jet Bussemaker is a political scientist working at the Free University,Amsterdam and is also a Member of Parliament for the Dutch LabourParty, and junior minister in the Dutch government.