President Tommy Remengesau of Palau

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Remengesau was educated at the prestigious Grand Valley State University in Allendale, Michigan, US.
Remengesau had announced that he would seek a seat in the Senate of Palau in the Palauan general election, 2008.
Speaking to 20 island leaders at the Pacific Island Conference of Leaders in May, Remengesau described the way in which Palau has set aside for conservation 20% of its land area and 30% of the ocean close to its shore.
In the process of winning all five of the elections that he has contested since 1984, Remengesau has been one of the young nation’s first politicians to successfully mobilize the youth vote.
In the process, Remengesau has forever changed the long-held traditional norm in the Pacific that you have to be at least 50 with gray hair before anyone will pay attention to you.
But the senior Remengesau was never elected president of the Republic.
After years of hearing people talk about him following in his father’s footsteps, President Remengesau is now walking in his own.
Work Play: President Remengesau is an avid fisherman who enjoys heading out to Palau’s famed Rock Islands in his boat.
Born in 1956, Remengesau is the eldest of eight children of Thomas O.
Remengesau describes his youth as rebellious and from his description, his activities more than raised concern of his highly positioned parents and other family members.
Among his advice that the younger Remengesau has taken to heart is a commitment to public service.
On The Job: A veteran of the national congress, President Remengesau is mindful of maintaining good relations with legislative leader.
As the votes were tallied from the villages, where mostly elderly residents lived, Remengesau was receiving counts of one or two votes.
Youth Experience: On most days after work, President Remengesau is a familiar figure at Palau’s national track in Koror.
Remengesau says he could write a book of the most creative requests for help.
There were two lessons that Remengesau says he learned as vice president: the importance of delegating responsibilities and patience.
In 10 to 20 years, Remengesau says he’d still like to see what makes Palau beautiful: a clean ocean, uncrowded beaches.
In addition to the Micronesia Challenge, President Remengesau has an impressive track record of protecting nature for the well-being of his own people and the world.
Although ending his second and last term as president in December, Remengesau said he will continue to advocate for conservation long after leaving office because of its importance for his country and the world.
While Remengesau denies that Palau's pro-whaling position is a "sell-out" that puts economic goals ahead of environmental protection, officials in pro-whaling Caribbean countries have admitted that Japan's aid program is nothing more than bribes to buy votes against marine sanctuaries at annual International Whaling Conference (IWC) meetings.
In Palau's limited foreign affairs, Remengesau has been active in maintaining Palau's presence in international organization.
Remengesau was educated at Grand Valley State UniversityGrand Valley State University Grand Valley State University is an American university located in Allendale, Michigan is home to Grand Valley's main campus.
President Remengesau said that he is proud of his accomplishments as Palau's president for eight years and that records speak for itself to belie allegations of corruption in his administration.
President Remengesau said his administration is not "bloated" and that recent hiring of civil servants in the government is within the ministries.
President Remengesau said that the series of meetings between Palau and the United States is in line to have a smooth transition between his government and the new government of President-elect Johnson.
pw International dialling code: +680 Leaders President (outgoing): Tommy Remengesau President Tommy Remengesau Tommy Remengesau was re-elected for a second four-year term in November 2004.
President Remengesau came to Washington, D.
Idechong, Palau Ambassador to the US.
heads of state that will visit Palau.
Remengesau was recently recognized as one of many Heroes of the Environment in a special annual issue of Time Magazine this month.
Remengesau says that climate change is like a dark cloud over his people.
President Tommy Remengesau is the head of state for Palau.
President Tommy Remengesau was recently in Taiwan to meet with the airline executives.
President (Tommy) Remengesau is known as the “environmental president.
There must be some room for the exercise of common sense in all decisions and there must be respect for the dignity of the highest level of government," Mr Remengesau said in a statement.
His Excellency, President Remengesau is known to be a hero of environmental protection.
Remengesau has tried to moderately promote Palau as a tourist destination, while trying to reduce the country's dependence on American financial aid.
Remengesau was re-elected as president with two-thirds of all cast ballots, while incumbent vice-president Pierantozzi received less than 30 per cent of the vote and lost to Chin.
In a statement on his arrival in Palau, Remengesau expressed regret that the airline crew spoiled what he described as a “highly successful state visit to the Philippines”—the first made by the island’s president in 24 years.
As talks dragged on until midnight, Remengesau was “isolated” from the situation in the company of Vice President Noli de Castro at the lower level Presidential Lounge.
And President Remengesau is determined to keep it that way.
Remengesau said the shark fin bonfire was also aimed at notifying the Palau Congress of the need to improve laws protecting sharks.
Remengesau said some had urged him to sell the shark fins and use some of the profit for the law enforcement effort.
President Remengesau accepted Ambassador Mitters credentials, and said he looked forward to working with India especially on matters of global warming and climate change.
President Remengesau said that now Palau can work directly with Indonesia, instead of having to go through other channels such as through the Philippine Embassy.
President Remengesau accepted the credentials and said that he looked forward to working with Ambassador Cox and the Australian government.
environmental issues that may arise out of the proposal.
President Tommy Remengesau was scheduled to leave Manila after his two-day visit on Wednesday evening aboard a Continental Airlines flight to Palau.
Remengesau expressed disappointment over what he called the "unprecedented and disrespectful treatment of a head of state.
Remengesau said he would raise the issue with regional airlines and the US Transportation Security Administration.