Minister of Social and Community Development and Gender Affairs Rupert Herbert of Saint Kitts and Nevis

Kitts and Nevis Honourable Rupert Herbert is of a similar opinion and believes that such conferences also provide opportunities to assess the Federation's approach to the delivery of health care.
Herbert is a fictional character in the FOX animated sitcom Family Guy.
Herbert has a high effeminate voice and speaks with a whistle.
According to Seth MacFarlane, Herbert was created when Mike Henry would use his voice to scold the writers when they had trouble coming up with new ideas for episodes.
In his remarks, Minister Herbert said the members of the Rotary Club have been instrumental in helping the government in ensuring that it achieves its health goal and he thanked them for their contribution.
concerns about the brain drain” from the Caribbean.
Rupert Herbert has informed the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) that the twin-island Federation will meet the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.
Minister Herbert said that it was also laudable that HIV/AIDS information be included in the pre-marital counseling for even married individuals are not immune to the disease.
The Courtship of Stewie's Father: Herbert is central to the plot of this episode.
Health Minister Rupert Herbert said officials are investigating allegations and questions related to the extent of Uhrin's medical training and validity of his professional credentials.
Particularly troubling is the fact that young people are the special targets for advertisements,” Minister Herbert was quoted as saying.
Rupert Herbert has been set for trial by the Judge for April 25; the Hon Cedric Liburd – May 3, 2005 and Dr.
Rupert Herbert said the signing of documents for the construction of a US$5.
Herbert said his country had achieved greater success in the area of violence against women and children than in any other area.
Rupert Herbert is representing the Federation at the May 19th to 24th Meeting.
Kitts had succeeded in spite of many challenges faced both economically and socially, Minister Herbert said we must be proud of our achievements.
Rupert Herbert expressed gratitude on behalf of the institution and the ministry for the continued support and investment that corporate and other citizens continue to inject into the health sector.