President Ernest Bai Koroma of Sierra Leone

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Original source: Agência Brasil [1]
Author: Valter Campanato/ABr
Permission: This file is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Brazil License
Original source: Agência Brasil [1]
Author: Valter Campanato/ABr
Permission: This file is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Brazil License
Koroma is the leader of the rulling All People's Congress (APC) and was APC minority leader in parliament from Bombali District prior to becoming President.
Koroma was born to an ethnic Temne father and his mother is a teacher and an ethnic Limba from the small rural town of Kamabai, Bombali District.
Koroma was born of Christian parentage from the predominant Muslim north and a devout Christian himself.
Koroma was elected as the leader of then the main opposition All People's Congress (APC) on March 24, 2002, at a national convention of the party ahead of the 2002 Sierra Leone Presidential and Parliamentary Elections.
Koroma received 370 votes from APC delegates, while 12 delegates voted against him and the remainder abstained.
In the parliamentary election, Koroma was elected to a seat from Bombali District.
Koroma was the APC presidential candidate in the August 2007 elections.
Koroma has taken a notably long time to name his Cabinet ministers, and has done so in stages.
Koroma was formally inaugurated in Freetown on November 15, 2007 at a ceremony attended by five other African leaders.
Ernest Bai Koroma is married to Sia Koroma, a biochemist and a native of Kono District.
of the Institute of Directors in the UK.
Koroma is also a Fellow of the West African Insurance Institute (WAICA), an Associate of the Institute of Risk Management in the UK and a Member of the Institute of Directors in the UK.
Ernest Koroma was elected as the APCs Presidential Candidate for the 2002 Presidential Elections on 24th March 2002.
Embattled by series of court case against his youthful leadership and executive and the 2002 APC Constitution, Koroma was eventually stripped off his dejure leadership of the APC by the Supreme Court of Sierra Leone on the 22nd June 2005.
Ernest Koroma is being put forward by the All Peoples Congress as "the democratic hope for Sierra Leone" which they describe as "a country at the cross road of change from the old order of despair to a young generation of visionary leadership of hope and development.
Honourable Ernest Koroma is tall, handsome, with a leadership jaw and a well built upper turso.
Ernest Koroma is married to Sia Koroma from Kono District, Eastern Province of Sierra Leone, ex-pupil of Annie Walsh Memorial school and post-graduate in Bio- Chemistry from London University.
Some seven years on, Mr Koroma is seen as the single biggest factor for the party's resurgence.
In their eyes, Mr Koroma has been earnest in reforming the party.
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Ernest Bai Koroma has great passion.
President Koroma is a resilient leader who loves to do good and better things for his country.
Ernest Bai Koroma is about being fierce.
This shows that President Koroma is a man of his word.
Thank God President Koroma is on course to reduce illiteracy, and bring back hope to the people.
RETIRED COLONEL IDRISS KAMARAPresident Koroma was given a splendid welcome to the hall.
In brief remarks, President Koroma said he will reserve all he has to say for todays town meeting at the American University.
The most dramatic moment of the occasion came when the dance started and President Ernest Koroma was invited to the hall to dance with the bevy of women in the jampacked hall.
He said he could not describe the joy he felt when President Koroma came down the podium to dance with Sierra Leoneans and the women.
Ernest Bai Koroma discusses his efforts to combat corruption in Sierra LeoneIn 2002, Sierra Leone emerged from a brutal 10-year civil war, which claimed tens of thousands of lives.
The President Ernest Bai Koroma has pronounced a ban on all "cults" (a name I have strong reservations about.
Newspaper article from: The Washington Post; 9/18/2007; document.
President Ernest BaI Koroma has reason to be happy with his.
Opposition leader Ernest Bai Koroma was sworn in as Sierra Leone's president.
Sierra Leone opposition leader Ernest Bai Koroma took a narrow lead in a presidential run-off, according.
FREETOWN, Sierra Leone -- Opposition candidate Ernest Bai Koroma has won Sierra Leone's presidential election, officials said today.
Koroma received 55 percent, compared with 45 percent for the.
The situation has become so bad that President Koroma has slapped a ban on all timber exports.
Ernest Bai Koroma was born on October 2, 1952.
Ernest Bai Koroma was born on October 2, 1953, in Makeni, Bombali Distirct in the Northern Province of Sierra Leone.
Previously in his political career, Koroma was elected as the leader of the APC on March 24, 2002, at a national convention of the party.
In an interview with Reuters on September 13, Koroma said that he wanted to run the country "like a business concern", emphasize agriculture and tourism rather than mining, and fight firmly against corruption.
Ernest Koroma was therefore declared duly elected President andwas sworn-in the same day at 1700hrs GMT.
Dr Thorpe then announced to Sierra Leoneans and the world at large that in exercise of the powers conferred on the Returning Officer by section 37 of the Electoral Laws Act, 2002, I hereby certify Ernest Bai Koroma has been duly elected President of the Republic of Sierra Leone at the Presidential Election of 2007.
Ernest Bai Koroma has been sworn in as Sierra Leone's president, shortly after being declared the winner of a tense run-off election.
Mr Koroma was inaugurated at an afternoon ceremony in Freetown, attended by military officials and dignitaries including outgoing President Ahmed Tejan Kabbah and Mr Berewa.
President Koroma was sworn in as president in September 2007 after a free election.
Recently, President Ernest Bai Koroma came calling in London where one of his itineraries was to have met with Sierra Leoneans in the diaspora.
Koroma has to rise above narrow tribal and party politics if his much touted slogan of attitudinal change is to be embraced.
Dynamic governance for effective, equitable and sustained development in Sierra Leone as outlined by Koroma has been hailed as the most radical and far reaching in recent times.
Some of US will adopt the siddon look approach especially since Koroma has thrown down the gauntlet that in 36 months, Sierra Leone will be on the way to being an El-Dorado compared to the present downright depressing dump that it is.
If Koroma is desirous of a lasting legacy, let him fight the system first.
Mr Koroma said he would invoke a certificate of emergency that would allow him to push laws through parliament to give the countrys anti-corruption commission independent powers to prosecute suspects.
Mr Koroma said donors should have monitored their funds more closely, promising to deliver new anticorruption legislation and audited accounts by December.
Mr Koroma said he would review the countrys mining code to ensure the government gained a more equitable share of the proceeds, as well as harmonising rules to help investors.
Koroma said that he was receiving assurances, both public and private, of massive support in the next elections.
c) Ernest Koroma is not beyond reproach.
Ernest Bai Koroma said that when he wins the next presidential elections, he will put in motion a cabinet that will comprise of technocrats in his party.
Ernest Koroma is a direct disciple of Siaka Stevens and Jamil Sahid Mohamed (BOTH MEN WHO DESTROYED OUR COUNTRY.
Ernest Koroma was brought to Reliance Insurance Company,primarily to seek the personal interest of Mr.
Koroma was paying the company's dividend into Jamil's personal account.
Koroma was able amass a lot of wealth,which he used to buy the position ofleader of the APC, unconstitutionally.
Ernest Koroma is not serious, claims Victor Reider Rachel Horner 25/8/2006 National Publicity Secretary of the Sierra Leone People's Party (SLPP), Hon.
Victor Reider Tuesday told Concord Times that the All People's Congress party (APC) Leader, Ernest Bai Koroma is not serious as opposition leader.
Koroma is quoted to have said that they are determined to take serious actions against the SLPP if they refused to reverse the elections claiming that the said election was conducted in a fraudulent manner.
I am thinking of issues that are affecting this country and the way forward, Koroma said adding that the public knows the people behind such reports.
Ernest Bai Koroma is himself new in the organization and lacks knowledge of the history of the Party.
Koroma was reacting to a question whether they (APC) had evidence to prove their accusation that the ruling SLPP government misuses donor funds.
Ernest Koroma says Sierra Leoneans tired with Kabbah's misrule Abdul Karim Koroma 4/5/2006 All Peoples Congress (APC) leader, Ernest Koroma called Concord Times from London Wednesday morning to say Sierra Leoneans in the Diaspora are sick and tired of the Kabbah government's misrule.
They all believe that the only solution to the country's problems is the APC, Koroma said and continued, I am prepared and determined to save this nation from total collapse.
Ernest Koroma has described President Kabbah's food security dream ahead of 2007 as a publicity stunt, which can't work.
Even the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper is making mention of the Food Security and President Kabbah also is talking about the same thing, Koroma says and maintained that at the end the whole process is confusion and people do not seem to understand what is happening with the two processes.
If Ernest Koroma had done development economics, he would have been abreast with what happened in Ghana and Uganda , he said.
Ernest Koroma says he rejected Kabbah's job offer Concord Times' Sahr Musa Yamba caught up with Chairman and Leader of the opposition All Peoples Congress (APC), Hon.