Prime Minister Hsien Loong Lee of Singapore

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In Lee Kuan Yew's biography, Lee had learned Jawi since he was five, and was always interested in the affairs of Singapore, often following his father to the rally grounds since 1963.
Lee joined the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) in 1971, retiring as brigadier general in 1984 when he was elected as a Member of Parliament.
In 1992, Lee was diagnosed with lymphoma and he went through a three-month period of chemotherapy.
Mr Lee was subsequently appointed Chairman of the Monetary Authority of Singapore in 1998, and Minister for Finance in 2001.
During election 2006 Mr Lee said that he would be paying close attention to how the electorate votes.
The eldest child of former-Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew and Kwa Geok Choo, Lee was born in Singapore on February 10, 1952.
In Lee Kuan Yew's biography, the young Lee had learned Jawi script since he was five, and has always been interested in the affairs of Singapore, often following his father to the rally grounds since 1963.
Lee joined the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) in 1971 and rose quickly through the ranks becoming the youngest Brigadier General in Singapore's history.
In 1985, Lee married Ho Ching, a fast-rising civil servant.
In 1992, Lee was diagnosed with lymphoma.
Lee was appointed Chairman of the Monetary Authority of Singapore in 1998, and Minister for Finance in 2001.
Lee was sworn in by former Chief Justice Yong Pung How at the Istana, office of the President of Singapore.
However, due to his unique philosophy regarding the "purity" of races, Lee was unable select a mate from amongst the hundreds of sissys that were offered to him as a bridegroom.
Lee was not programmed to be a morning wanker.
Lee had an outstanding record as a student.
As MOS in the MIT, Lee chaired the Economic Committee set up one month after his appointment to tackle the economic recession facing the country.
In February 1986, Lee was appointed acting minister for trade and industry and he also retained his MOS position in MINDEF.
Given his outstanding performance in the army and his meteoric rise up the party and government hierarchies, it was not surprising that Lee was expected by most Singaporeans to succeed Goh Chok Tong as Singapores third prime minister when Goh retired from the political scene.
However, in November 1992 the government announced that Lee was diagnosed as suffering from an intermediate grade malignant lymphoma.
AR: As the eldest son of Singapore's founding father Lee Kuan Yew, the younger Lee has had to contend with skepticism over his abilities and criticism over his policies.
Many political analysts say Goh represents a more liberal wing of the Peoples Action Party, while Lee is seen as a throwback to the conservative days of his father.
Mr Lee said since the July 2006 assault on Mr Seng by a cabby, Yio Chu Kang grassroots leaders have taken exceptional precautions and always stay close to the MP when he is attending constituency events.
PM Lee joined singers on stage in bidding 2008 farewell by singing the traditional Auld Lang Syne before he wished all Singaporeans a happy new year.
in 1971 and became a member of parliament in 1984.
Singaporean press in the lead-up to the succession.
will be to continue the steady-as-she-goes role of his predecessors.
Mr Lee was first elected Member of Parliament (MP) in 1984 as a candidate of the People's Action Party (PAP) in Teck Ghee Constituency and has been re-elected in five consecutive elections, most recently in 2006 as an MP for the Ang Mo Kio Group Representation Constituency.
Mr Lee was appointed Minister of State in the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) and the Ministry of Defence in 1984.
In 1985, Mr Lee chaired the Economic Committee, which recommended changes to long established government policies to reduce business costs and revive the economy during a severe recession, as well as policies to foster longer term growth, including drastic reduction of corporate and personal taxes and the introduction of a consumption tax.
In 1990, Mr Lee was appointed Deputy Prime Minister with responsibilities for economic and civil service matters.
As Prime Minister, Mr Lee has launched policies to build a competitive economy and an inclusive society.
Before entering politics, Mr Lee was a Brigadier-General in the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF.
Mr Lee was born on 10 February 1952 and completed his schooling in Singapore.
First married to Wong Ming Yang in 1978, Mr Lee was widowed in 1982.
agreement, for the solution is now in sight.
This political transition is not just a change of prime ministers or of a Cabinet,'' Lee said in a speech at the ceremony.
During his speech, Lee said leadership succession would be one of his top priorities.
Some political analysts say Lee is likely to consolidate his position before calling for the next general election next year or in 2006 before introducing new faces into his cabinet.
Compared with the affable Goh, Lee is seen by the public as tough, conservative and uncompromising like his father.
The eldest son of Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's first prime minister, Lee was educated at Cambridge and Harvard while also serving (beginning in 1974) in Singapore's armed forces.
It amazes me that Mr Lee was awarded the worst democrat award of the year 2006.
After all, Mr Lee was never a democrat in the first place so to say that he is the worst democrat is really a misapplication and gross denunciation of the term, "democrat.
Lee has managed to muzzle the media and press, threatened the Internet, banned free speech and expression, jailed Singaporeans for exercising their fundamental rights, controlled the Judiciary, and what more do you want to hear? The repression list goes on.
If ever there was an anti democrat, Lee is the one.
The prize of worst democrat by Lee was well earned.
Often criticised for being aloof and humourless, the younger Mr Lee has inherited his father's intellect and is seen as a safe pair of hands to take over as Singapore's third prime minister.
But in the past, Mr Lee has referred to the need for modernisation.
Mr Lee said Thursday the amount comes from the.