Minister of Science, Technology, and Tertiary Education Christine Kangaloo of Trinidad and Tobago

Government Minister Christine Kangaloo said statistics for the last five years showed that the number of people employed increased steadily, by nearly 70,000 between 2002 to 2006.
But Christine Kangaloo says Government is looking at a number of options to keep prices down.
Minister Kangaloo said among the options is importing chicken.
Minister Kangaloo said poultry farmers met with officials of her ministry recently to discuss reasons why they needed to hike the price.
Consumer Affairs Minister Christine Kangaloo says her Government knows the enemy very well.
Kangaloo said the policy of Government is not limited to fabrication but to those who are interested in becoming owners in the value chain of the energy industry.
Minister Kangaloo said the process had already been documented and is in use for quite some time.
Minister Kangaloo said a committee is in place at the Intellectual Property Office of her Ministry, to advise government on effective legal measures to protect the steelpan.
Kangaloo said the UNC and “Corpse” were conceived on the same political bed and “born of the same political womb.
Peppering her speech with very vivid imagery, Kangaloo said the “Corpse” was only talking new politics after it dragged off the UNC jersey and without “even bathing” was presenting itself to the electorate.
Kangaloo said Jack Warner had been caught “with his pants down” on the Nelson Mandela affair.
Kangaloo said the estate, which was much maligned when first proposed by the Government, is now a viable entity, profitable and generating wealth and employment for the people of TT.
Kangaloo said all of this fits in well with plans for the development of new gas-based industries and its intention to make TT the new industrial hub of the wider Caribbean.
Kangaloo said that the Ministry was analysing the causes of this trend, which is seen globally.
Speaking at yesterday's post-Cabinet press conference at the new building of the Office of the Prime Minister in St Clair, Kangaloo said at present the University accommodates 689 post graduate and graduate students and this accounts for 7.
Kangaloo said Cabinet agreed to fund to the tune of $174,551,684 the construction of the multi-complex, which will comprise of a variety of room types in seven four-storey buildings.
Kangaloo said the senior common room facility, which is separated from the main campus, will be rebuilt and a new facility is currently being designed.
Kangaloo said engineering block 13 at the UWI campus will be expanded and renovated.
Kangaloo said that Manning's convictions were a beacon of hope to all of US during those dark days of political misrule by marauding juggernauts.
Christine Kangaloo is an alumna of the University of the West Indies and the Hugh Wooding Law School.
Kangaloo was appointed an Opposition Senator in 2001 (6th Parliament) and Vice-President of the Senate in 2002 (7th Parliament.
Kangaloo was appointed Minister of Science, Technology and Tertiary Education.
LEGAL AFFAIRS Minister Christine Kangaloo says Government has taken action to deal with rising food prices.
Addressing the media, Kangaloo said in order to address the issue of inflation, Cabinet had agreed that a ministerial task force be established with the responsibility to deal comprehensively with the increase in the food sector.