Minister of National Defense Kamel Morjane of Tunisia

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In response, Morjane said the two countries share similar views on many international and regional issues, and he hopes the two armed forces will further cement cooperation in various areas to push forward military ties.
It is with this view that the British choice has fallen on Kamal Morjane in order to soften the Americans since Morjane is seen as more acceptable for America than Zine El Abidine.
As mentioned earlier, this is designed to calm the Americans that Morjane is on his way to power.
Kamal Morjane is a proficient diplomat.
By virtue of holding external posts for long years, Morjane has earned the respect of the international community and carved a niche for himself.
The political campaign launched by Kamal Morjane is full of reassuring messages about his person, and that he would not act against the international community and especially American interests, hoping thus to be able to neutralize the United States from actions against him or obstructing him.
we can say that Kamal Morjane was brought to the Ministry of Defense earlier under instructions from the British, to calm American pressure on the regime in Tunisia and thus be prepared to take up the presidency when the need arises without any internal or external surprises.
Kamel Morjane discussed the anticipated repatriation with Sudanese Government ministers in Khartoum on Monday, assuring them that the agency is ready to help the refugees go home when the time is right, spokeswoman Jennifer Pagonis said.
particularly in Jaffna was beyond his expectations.
however that insufficient resources have restricted operations.
received responses from 150,000 families.
Morjane said his meeting with Rumsfeld was "fruitful and cordial," and that their talk focused on cooperation prospects and an exchange of views about issues of common interest.
million people in a country of 42 million have been forced from their homes.
the ethnic dimension of internal displacement in Colombia," Mr.
before returning to his agency's headquarters in Geneva this weekend.
Morjane said that between two and three million people have been forced from their homes in Colombia's 39-year civil war.
Internally displaced people in Colombia are one of, if not the worst humanitarian crisis in the western hemisphere," Morjane said after a trip to Colombia and Ecuador.
The internally displaced people are invisible in this crisis, not only internationally but even in Bogota," Morjane was quoted as saying by Associated Press news agency.
in a country of 42 million have been forced from their homes.
help the displaced population recover a sense of security.
Morjane is on a weeklong visit to Burundi and Tanzania to assess the situation for Burundian refugees going home after years of living in camps in western Tanzania.
UNHCR reported that Morjane had pledged the agency's commitment to a repatriation programme that could help 500,000 Burundian refugees return and reintegrate in the next three years.
Tunisian Defence Minister Kamel Morjane met with Gen.
might have to be organised for the entire group.
There has been a perceptible change in the DRC peace process in the recent past, and the most serious chance for peace was now at hand, the head of the UN Mission in the DRC (MONUC), Kamel Morjane, told journalists on Tuesday.
UNHCR Assistant High Commissioner Kamel Morjane is in Ecuador, the second part of a weeklong mission that began in neighbouring Colombia last Saturday.
Morjane met with the Ecuadorian Foreign Affairs Minister, Patricio Zuquilanda.
Morjane met with representatives of the Ecuadorian Bishops Conference, which has been UNHCRs main partner in Ecuador since 1976.
All that was now needed was for the Khartoum government and SPLA rebels, the two main protagonists in the conflict, to sign a peace agreement ending the war, UN deputy High Commissioner for Refugees Kamel Morjane said here.
Morjane said that the flow of those returning to the country "will depend on the SPLA (Sudan Peoples Liberation Army the rebel movement.
However, as Ambassador Morjane has pointed out, we are not yet past the point of no return.
Morjane joined UNHCR in 1977 as a legal officer.
Morjane said the meetings helped him to understand the ethnic dimension of internal displacement in Colombia, Mr.
Morjane is scheduled to travel to Ecuador tomorrow for a three-and-a-half day visit before returning to his agencys headquarters in Geneva this weekend.
Morjane said that Tunisian legislation, which was based on universal values for the respect for human rights, repressed torture and any ill-treatment in all its forms and protected the individual against all physical and non-physical aggression.
Morjane said that his country's political will was to definitively anchor democracy and human rights in Tunisia under an open and tolerant society.
Morjane said that Tunisia's employment policy played an important role in Tunisian development as recognized by the 1959 Constitution which entrusted the State as a guarantor of the right to work of each citizen.
that the returns will be sustainable.
BOGOT, Colombia, Jan 27 (UNHCR) UNHCR Assistant High Commissioner Kamel Morjane has pledged the agency's continuing support for hundreds of thousands of internally displaced people in Colombia and said he would urge the country's leadership to do all it can to restore their basic rights.
Morjane met with Afro-Colombian and indigenous leaders, whose communities together make up 95 percent of the population in rural areas of this part of Colombia.
UNHCR's presence shows our support to the peaceful resistance of these communities, Morjane said later, pledging that the UN refugee agency will continue to assist them in any way we can to allow them to improve their organization in order to defend their rights.
Morjane said he will continue to advocate on behalf of Colombia's displaced and vulnerable populations through his contacts with concerned governments and relevant UN.
Morjane is scheduled to travel to Ecuador on Wednesday for a 3-day visit.
GENEVA, Sept 17 (UNHCR) Assistant High Commissioner Kamel Morjane has lauded the World Scout Movement for its work on behalf of young refugees across the globe, borrowing the scouts' motto to stress that UNHCR will always be prepared for refugee emergencies.
Morjane was speaking at the Partnerships for Global Impact: Scouting in Action roundtable discussion in Geneva on Friday.