Ambassador to the US Inonge Mbikusita-lewanika of Zambia

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Author: USAID
Permission: GNU Free Documentation License
Addis Ababa Zambia's candidate to the African Union (AU) Commission Inonge Mbikusita-Lewanika is confident of scooping the position of Chairperson.
Dr Inonge Mbikusita-Lewanika is vying for the AU post, which comes up during the official opening of the 10th ordinary session of the AU agenda under closed session this Thursday.
Zambia to the United States of America.
Inonge Mbikusita-Lewanika was also given Ambassador of the Year Award in April of 2006 for her outstanding work on behalf of the people of Zambia.
Inonge Mbikusita-Lewanika was Ambassador and Special Envoy for the Zambian President during his term as Chairman of the African Union (2001-2002.
Mr Mulongoti, who is Information and Broadcasting Services Minister, said that Ambassador Mbikusita-Lewanika had massive experience and was highly qualified.
Mbikusita-Lewanika received a Bachelor of Science in home economics and education in 1964, and a masters degree in education psychology in 1965, both from Cal Poly.
Mbikusita-Lewanika has taught at the University of Zambia, worked for UNICEF and served two terms as a Member of Zambian Parliament.
DC, in the May 2007 Washington Life Magazine.
Zambias Ambassador to the United States, Dr Inonge Mbikusita-Lewanika is vying to be the the next chairperson of the Commission of the African Union.
Mbikusita-Lewanika said there was need for a drastic change and she was involved in a new party to set up structures.
Mbikusita-Lewanika said that women should be involved in all peace processes.
Mbikusita-Lewanika said that AFRICANS ARE KNOWN FOR good things like traditional caring of children, caring for old people and their value for life.
Mbikusita-Lewanika said in the pre-colonial days, women were leaders as chiefs, queens and queen mothers and they influenced homes and the community.
Mbikusita-Lewanika said that it was in those days that she would visit Botswana four times a year and encourage countries to have policies for children and youth.
and served on many Parliament Committees.
According to a press release, "Mbikusita-Lewanika received a Bachelor of Science in home economics and education in 1964, and a master's degree in education psychology in 1965, both from Cal Poly.
Mbikusita-Lewanika has strong ties with her family, and she credits her father for starting the sequence of events that led to her education at Cal Poly.
He had been interested in the predominantly African-American universities in the South, and so her siblings attended them, but Mbikusita-Lewanika said that he was also "intrigued" by the community college system.
A 1962 OCC graduate, Mbikusita-Lewanika is the Ambassador to the United States from the Republic of Zambia.
After completing her education, Mbikusita-Lewanika was a professor of education and teacher training at the University of Zambia.
Mbikusita-Lewanika was a member of the Zambian Parliament, and served 10 years as a UNICEF regional advisor and senior program officer.
Forming personal contact with people at MSU has been very valuable, and following up with the knowledge I have gained today will serve to make a difference not only in Zambia, but other countries as well, Mbikusita-Lewanika said Wednesday evening.
Dr Inonge Mbikusita-Lewanika has been floated as Zambia’s candidate for the position of African Union (AU) Commission chairperson whose elections will take place in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa during the summit that opens this weekend.
With her impeccable credentials, Dr Mbikusita-Lewanika is in good stead to scoop the position of AU chairperson.
Dr Mbikusita-Lewanika was married to the late Kabuka Nyirenda who, for a long time, served the Zambian Government as a senior diplomat at the United Nations and in Germany.
So it is a question of merit and competence deciding and this is exactly what Dr Mbikusita-Lewanika is pitted against.
In addition, Ambassador Mbikusita-Lewanika was a professor of education and teacher training at the University of Zambia and a lecturer at the Evelyn Hone College of Further Education and the Mongu Teacher Training College (1972-80.
Inonge Mbikusita-Lewanika says the full participation of women in the development process is cardinal to achieving sustainable development.
Inonge Mbikusita-Lewanika is currently Ambassador of the Republic of Zambia to the United States of America.
WASHINGTON (WOMENSENEWS)Like many aid workers and activists trying to improve the lives of women in developing countries, Inonge Mbikusita-Lewanika has long viewed education as the key to solving many of her countrywomens problems.
With such intensive household labor needs, Mbikusita-Lewanika said girls often have little time for school.
The average woman takes care of everyone else but herself, Mbikusita-Lewanika said at a recent Capitol Hill briefing for legislative staff.
As a result, Mbikusita-Lewanika said that, while education may be the most important investment, it may not necessarily be the first investment that donors should undertake.
Inonge Mbikusita-Lewanika received the grant along with a commemorative plaque at a ceremony in Washington DC Friday.