Vice President Joyce Mujuru of Zimbabwe

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Author: Ekhaya2000 (talk)
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Author: Ekhaya2000 (talk)
HARARE (AFP) Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe's deputy Joyce Mujuru has thrown her weight behind the veteran ruler's bid for a sixth term, dispelling speculation linking her to Mugabe's rival Simba Makoni.
Mujuru was quoted by the state-owned Herald newspaper on Monday as saying at a rally: "Firstly, you should vote for Comrade Mugabe, our presidential candidate, then ZANU-PF (the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union - Patriotic Front) councillors, MPs and senators.
Joyce Mujuru was at one stage seen as Mugabe's chosen successor before the 84-year-old decided to seek another term in office.
We have achieved what we intended," Mujuru was quoted as saying.
Mujuru was born in Zimbabwe's northeastern district of Mt.
Mujuru was sworn in as Vice-President of Zimbabwe on December 6, 2004.
Mujuru was nominated as ZANU-PF's candidate for the House of Assembly seat from Mt.
This ran contrary to earlier claims from the MDC that Mujuru had lost the seat.
Mujuru is the former MP for Chikomba.
According to newspaper reports Mujuru has been under house arrest and 24-hour surveillance since November 2007 for his role in attempting to oust Mugabe.
It is generally thought that Mujuru has a tremendous amount of influence on who leads ZANU-PF and the country.
Joyce Mujuru is one of Zimbabwe’s two vice-presidents and ethnic Zezuru hold the other vice-presidency, most of the ministerial positions, and the top leadership of the defense and security forces.
Joyce Mujuru is an inflated humpty dumpty.
Tue, Jun 17 06:04 PMJohannesburg/Harare, June 17 (DPA) Zimbabwean Vice President Joyce Mujuru has accused 'lazy' farmers of leasing their land instead of cultivating it, causing food shortages in the country, the state-controlled Herald newspaper reported Tuesday.
Watson-Smith obtained a court order on 28th December 2001 against retired General Solomon Mujuru, two Cabinet Ministers and a local war veteran leader, Comrade Zhou for the return of equipment and property from his farm, from which Zhou and Mujuru had evicted him; however the court orders have never been executed due to refusal to comply, and threats.
Solomon Mujuru is husband to Vice-President Joyce Mujuru.
It also says Mujuru has been investigated by the police for flouting exchange control regulations and running illegal shelf companies.
He said: “The real truth is Mujuru is the most corrupt, uneducated person who has failed to make any meaningful ministerial post in ZANU-PF just because of illiteracy.
He said Mujuru is actually protecting the first family and the first family is protecting him.
The bitter infighting that has been going on within the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) since the fateful meeting on October 12 last year has spawned any number of conspiracy theories.
Mugabe takes his annual leave from December to the end of January, but as of Friday, Vice President Joice Mujuru was still acting President.
Joyce Mujuru has signed a law that that could send journalists to prison for up to five years if they are found to have insulted Mugabe.
Acting President Joice Mujuru has signed into law, a despotic General Laws Amendment Act (GLAA), which recommends a jail term for any journalist who insults the president or communicates falsehoods.
Acting President Joice Mujuru has admitted for the first time that corruption is deeply entrenched in her Zanu PF party, blasting her colleagues in government for propping up their lifestyles with stinking riches while the majority Zimbabweans are battling to eke out a living.
Mujuru has the added advantage of a powerful husband — Solomon Mujuru, the former head of the army.
Top Posts Solomon MujuruJoyce Mujuru - BioAboutFamily flees country as Mujuru invades farmsAnd Mugabe woke with a hoof on his throat.
In recent years, Vice President Joice Mujuru has taken charge in Mugabe's absence.
Vice President Cde Joice Mujuru has applauded companies, friendly governments and individuals from within and outside the country that are supporting the.
Acting President Joice Mujuru has urged the Zimbabwean family, both here and abroad, to come together and help raise funds to revive the health sector.
Acting President Cde Joice Mujuru has sent a message of condolences following the death of India's former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on the 27th of.
ACTING President Joice Mujuru has urged Zimbabweans to help raise funds to revive the health sector while Vice President Cde Joseph Msika yesterday called.
Msika then moved into the house but funny enough, when Joyce Mujuru was made Vice president - replacing the late Simon Muzenda, she did not chase away.
Mujuru has maintained a low profile since then– even when taking on the ceremonial role of acting president when Mr.
The London based paper The Zimbabwean is reporting that Vice President Joyce Mujuru has formally tended her resignation.
JENNIFER MACEY: Joyce Mujuru leads one of the ruling Zanu-PF factions that is pushing for the 83-year-old President to retire.
My war experience changed my entire life, Mujuru has said.
Now Mujuru is - officially at least - firmly in line to succeed Mugabe when he retires as expected in 2008.
Yet, despite her steely nerves and heroism, Mujuru was probably surprised by her sudden rise to prominence.
So what is behind Mujuru's spectacular rise? Many analysts, including Eldred Masunungure, a University of Zimbabwe political scientist, believe Mujuru is merely a pawn in a dangerous political game.
Mujuru took over the command of the army at independence in 1980, retiring 10 years later to go into business.
Mujuru has not particularly distinguished herself in any of the various cabinet portifolios she has held.
Vice President Mujuru supports the government seizure of white owned farms.
If Mujuru is our gift from God why is she maintaining such a deafening silence? Is she going to speak after six million people have been eliminated through starvation, torture etc.
l dismiss with contempt it deserves that Mujuru is like Esther in the bible.
In 1998 Joyce Mujuru was named among senior officials who looted the War Victims' Compensation Fund, about $800 000.
What do you say about the War Victims compensation fund? In 1996 Vice President Mujuru was certified to be more than 50%disabled (by the War Vet Dr.
Vice President Joyce Mujuru is an active member of the Salvation Army corps.
Joyce Mujuru has grabbed a formerly white owned farm.
Mujuru is an admirer and imitator of President Robert Mugabe that is the reason why Mugabe has appointed her as Vice President.
Mujuru is said to be a stakeholder in a British company Africa Consolidated Resources which had been given diamond mining concessions in Marange.
Mujuru is now one of the richest people in the country.
Reports say Mujuru has been telling Mugabe that it is payback time because he protected him in Mozambique when exiled leaders did not trust Mugabe and built him up in Zimbabwe after independence.
FarawayJun 17th, 2008 - 14:38:01Zimbabwean Vice President Joyce Mujuru is a comedian.
ON December 4, 2004, Joyce Teurai Ropa Mujuru was named one of the two vice- presidents of Zimbabwe, thereby making her a possible successor to president Robert Mugabe.
Not that Joyce Mujuru was unknown to the power plays in Zimbabwe; in fact she is one of the four ministers, who have remained in cabinet since 1980 when Zimbabwe got independence from Britain.
Mujuru was Zimbabwes first and youngest woman minister at independence in 1980.
One of 12 children, Mujuru was born Joyce Runaida Mugari Chimurenga in 1955 to a peasant family.
Mujuru is an energetic woman barely five feet tall.
to remain just that -- Mai Mujuru.
when she became fisrt woman governor of Manicaland.
brutal ,old fashioned in their thinking and resistant to change.
convinience of their male counterparts.
allowed yourselve to be used and thats it, nothing else.
It should also be noted that Solomon Mujuru is a key member of the committee probing ZANUPF companies.
Mnangagwa has a law degree, Mujuru was an army commander in the liberation struggle and did not go to college.
Mujuru is closer to those who are satisfied with the land redistribution (sometimes personally extremely satisfied) and now want to cool the international confrontation, cut a deal with the International Monetary Fund and World Bank and reverse the economic slide.
Joyce Mujuru remains a leading candidate, whether or not she is fully supported by her semi-estranged husband Solomon, or by Mugabe.
Mujuru is unlikely to get votes from Matebeleland, because she is thought to have snubbed the late Vice-President Joshua Nkomo just before he died.
In Manicaland (29 central committe members) Solomon Mujuru has little influence.
Solomon Mujuru has his wife, his money and his closeness to Mugabe.
term, dispelling speculation linking her to Mugabe's rival Simba Makoni.
But Solomon Mujuru has remained on the farm.
HARARE, July 28 (AFP) - Zimbabwe's acting president Joyce Mujuru was Thursday quoted as saying that the demolition of shantytowns which left hundreds of thousands homeless was over as an international aid agency demanded compensation for victims of the blitz.
DarwinTeurai RopaWomen in 21st century warfareZanu-PFZanlaZimbabweanpoliticianshonaRelated People to Joyce MujuruSolomon MujuruhusbandNews About Joyce MujuruJoyce Mujuru had a news item on Live Search NewsSecurity forces placed on high alert countrywidedocument.
write(humane_date("2009-01-13 16:50:11"))Joyce Mujuru had a news item on Live Search NewsMs Joyce "Teuri Ropa" MUJURU (Profile) Who's Who of Southern Africadocument.
write(humane_date("2009-01-12 00:30:41"))Joyce Mujuru had a news item on Live Search NewsJoyce Mujuru supports Mugabe 6th term | OSISAdocument.
Solomon Mujuru is a former army chief, often seen as Zimbabwe's king-maker.
Thu, 13 Mar 2008 04:26:00 +0000Zanu PF supporters at a recent Zanu PF rally.
RETIRED-GENERAL Solomon Mujuru has ended weeks of speculation that he would be joining presidential hopeful Simba Makoni to bolster his fight against Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe at the March 29 harmonised elections, by dissociating himself from the project.
State media and the national broadcaster reported that Mujuru had approached President Mugabe on Monday this week and reassured him that he was not part of the so-called Makoni Project, ending weeks of silence by the retired general and speculation by independent media.
President Mugabe says that Mujuru approached him to clear the air:"One who is talked about (as supporting Makoni) is General Mujuru.
However, his wife, Vice President Joyce Mujuru has openly campaigned for President Mugabe.
comSubject: Mujuru a cowardThu, 13 Mar 2008 17:53:59 • All I can say is that Mujuru is one big coward.
comSubject: MUJURU DENIES SUPPORTING MAKONIThu, 13 Mar 2008 12:13:58 • Makoni needs the support of the voters and not the support of Mujuru.
comSubject: he is a man so he must say it himselfThu, 13 Mar 2008 10:30:37 • Mujuru is not dead why can't he speak for himself.
mujuru is supporting change not only makoni.
comSubject: Not TrueThu, 13 Mar 2008 10:06:48 • What Mugabe said about Mujuru is not true.
Mujuru is not sure though of the outcome of this to the extend that he is playing a waiting game.
Mujuru has never rejected with his own mouth that he is no supporting Makoni.
i actually do not think Mugabe believes that Mujuru is not involved or that he aproached him.
Mujuru is one of Zimbabwes best-known female former combatants.